Lucky_SLS :
thank god. ur rig wont push the limits on the x34, but should do fine since x34 has g sync and gtx 1070 is a 2k GPU for now. ur cpu is no slouch either, has a healthy 2 years top before becoming obsolete. if ur mobo is a z series mobo, i would recommend getting a proper cooler for ur cpu n overclocking ur cpu to help things out. also make sure u have a good enough psu.
P.S.: just saw ur signature, u have a good rig, oc it to crank the limits 😉
Are you saying the x34 would be an easy/suitable pair for my rig? Wasn't sure the 1070 could handle that res 3440x1440 and wasn't sure the 4690k + 1070 would be able to do 100hz gaming, maybe in some games it will...
Yes, I think I will sit on this rig a while longer, when gaming becomes much more multi threaded might be the time to upgrade...
I think 4.5GHz is pretty a common max oc for the 4690k? I may be able to obtain that with reasonable temps with he H80i v2. Current game temps are 40-47C with 50-55C absolute peaks. Maybe I should have went for the H110i. Should still be good for now. Not sure how much I'd currently benefit from 4.5GHz over 4.3GHz, much do you think?