280x how long will this card last me?

Actually not really true on this answer ~
With my HD 6850 , it last me 2 years at least until i cant max out all the game ~
As my processor bottlenecking it ~
And for that card which I plan to change that same as urs ~
I think it also at least can last 2 years if ur PC have good components ~
If u want to smooth fps (60fps) , I think it at least can last 3-6 months ~
As the system requirement for new games , probably increasing ~
all you need to do is look at the specs of new consoles to see what will come in the next couple of years... and as you can see they are not that great... PS4 has something similar to a HD7850 for gpu... of course there will be a few of those "outside of the pack" titles like the current metro last light and crysis 3 that push your hardware... but most games will run like a charm with that card...

At what resolution and when? The 6850 is an extremely dated card and hasn't been able to max out games in a very long time. Don't be misleading.

Well, I nvr said it is new card dude ~
It is also 2 years card ? Extremely dated ?
Well , I not sure about that , coz I still a student no budget to upgrade my PC ,
Which I think it is good enough for me ~
I can max out most games , like Crysis 2 and Crysis 3 at least 30fps average ~
Just my E8400 bottlenecking it ~
Btw my resolution is 1080p ~

In essence, this gpu has been 3 years old. (Rebranded 7970) But it is still very powerful. When you ask how long it will last, that really depends on your expectations. At medium setting. This card should have no problems to produce 60 fps in another two more years. But if you like turning on all the eye candies, then you will soon find yourself buying something more powerful to replace it.

The HD 6850 is over 3 years old. Crysis 3 at 30 FPS? Yeah maybe at low/medium settings. The HD6850 benchmarks show that game getting 20 fps or lower at high with AA turned off 1080p. It gets around 30 fps at high with AA turned off on Crysis 2.

Maxing out a game is not 30 FPS, it's 60 fps+. There were games that were out when the 6850 was released that could not be maxed out (and other games released within 6 months that crushed the card).