290x barely runs GTAV?


Feb 6, 2014
Sup guys, my 290x can only run GTAV on normal settings without MUCH FPS drop under 60.
I've seen benchmarks and people can run GTAV on max settings with the same card..

Any help or ideas?

CPU: i7-2600
RAM: 16Gb G.Skill
Resolution is 1080p

Resolution, ram, and cpu?
Remember that nearly all monitors sold can only display 60 FPS. They are hard coded to that setting. So if you are getting 60+ FPS out of your video card, you are exceeding the number of frames that can be displayed properly.

I ran a system benchmark program that had sections in which it reported that I was getting 1700+ FPS... I laughed. If the monitor had actually tried to display all of those frames, the screen would have just turned into garbage.

I'm referring to 60fps as the baseline for minimum playable fps.
The 290x should be able to easily run GTAV at 60fps on high to maximum settings, but in my place it dips below that.
(Sometimes, on normal)

You should be running at very high/ultra 1080p over 60fps.

Install msi afterburner and monitor cpu/gpu temps while you run gta5.

Post back with max temps, and the wattage brand/model of your power supply.

Thanks for the response.
Max temp 84 degrees Celsius

I've got a Cougar RS750 750W 80 PLUS

EDIT: W/e is causing this must be the reason I can only get 60fps on Ultra on Far Cry 4

84 on cpu or gpu?

For the gpu that's a bit hot, but ok for a 290x reference. You should set a custom fan profile under msi afterburner.

If that's the cpu, you are thermal throttling. >.>

Cougar units are fairly bad, most units do not actually output their rated wattage.

Haha 84 GPU
My CPU hits max temp of 60. (Watercooled and OC'd)

It's a 290x XFX Black, so do you think that's what is causing the low fps?

The dual fan version right? That's a bit high.

Make a custom fan profile, make it look like this:


Does the gpu core stay @ max (1050 stock right?) while you play?
There are always going to be spots in games where the FPS numbers drop below 60. Thats just a fact of life. The world does not end when the number goes down some.

Look at it this way. If you are not watching the FPS, how does the game play? That is what matters. In some games, a constant 30 or 40 FPS is good enough for a smooth playing experience. In others it does take 55 - 60.

We need to stop fixating on 60 FPS... 60 is the maximum frames per second that nearly all monitors can display. But most games work just fine at slower numbers of FPS too.

Are you aware that movies in the theater are only 24 FPS? Most movies on TV are only 30 FPS. Things can be slower and look great.

I game at 96fps.

Even on a 60hz monitor getting over 60 fps will give you a smoother experience, you are also less likely to drop below 60.

Watching a movie is different that playing a game.

Did you know a flip book is enough to fool your brain into seeing motion? That's enough right?

So you get 96 FPS. But your monitor can only show you 60 FPS. So at least 36 of those 96 frames never display. Wasted power.

Now, we get into a technical discussion that I will try to make understandable. Since so many of the frames that your video card is rendering is never displayed, there is actually movement in-game that never makes it to your screen. So at best, only 2 out of 3 or 4 frames are being displayed, and that is causing what I will call very high speed jitters. You may not see it, but a huge number of players will see it.

60 frames per second allows for each frame to take 16.66 ms to draw out. So for a perfectly smooth flow of motion, you want one frame every 16.66 ms to be displayed on the screen. And 2 frames to be shown every 33.33 ms, and so on. Unfortunately though, almost none of us live in a perfect world.

On the other hand, 96 frames per second only allows for 10.42 ms per frame. Frame 1 is completed and sent to the monitor at the 10.42 second point. Then, at the 20.84 ms point, well before your monitor is ready for the next frame, your video card has another frame ready. So the video card does one of two things.
1) If vertical sync is on, the second frame is trashed, and the video card starts rendering the third frame. This third frame will be completed at roughly the 31.25 ms point. Remember that the monitor wants the next frame at the 33.33 ms point. So this is also before the monitor is ready for another frame, so this frame is also trashed. So finally, at the 41.48 ms time point, frame 4 is done, and at this point, the monitor has been sitting idle for 8.35 ms. So you saw frame 1, and now are going to see frame 4. and so on.
2) If vertical sync is off, the second frame is sent to the monitor, which is still in the process of displaying the first frame, and so from that point forward, the monitor stops displaying the first frame and starts showing the second frame, which causes whats known as tearing on the screen. Now if in-game, nothing is moving, you will not see tearing. But if things are moving, part of frame one is being shown with part of frame 2 being show on part of the screen as well. And it will be very obvious to most people where the tearing is. And then part of frame 3 is shown along with parts of frame 1 and frame 2... And then frame 4 hits... and its just a vicious cycle. Tons of tearing all on the screen at once.

There are a few exceptions to this. There are 120 Hz and 144 Hz monitors out there. Generally, they are more expensive than the 60Hz monitors that most of us have. But, those faster monitors also need at least double the frames rendered and sent to them than than the 60 Hz monitors need. So when you see how much trouble most people have maintaining 60 FPS just imagine trying to maintain 120 FPS or even 144 FPS. The numbers of pixels being pushed is incredible.

This all happens because the monitor and the video card are assuming 60 Hz and nothing but 60 Hz. When you drop below 60 Hz, if you've dropped to an even portion of 60Hz (say 30Hz), things can appear to still be smooth, and sometimes, some games still look ok to some people at frame rates between 30 and 60.

Both Nvidia and AMD have released technology that is finally allowing monitors to tell video cards that they are ready for a new frame. But Nvidia and AMD have each done this in different ways. Nvidia's G-Sync and AMD's FreeSync both have some monitors shipping now that have these technologies in them. But they are new to the market still. And they are not compatible with each other. So this is an improvement, but its still not ideal.

So until this all plays out, most of us will still be trying to get to 60 FPS or as close to it as we can. But do not fixate on that number. I would bet that most of us will not get 60 FPS in GTA V. And even if we can in some parts of the game, we will find that we don't get it consistently. That is just the nature of games. There is a lot more going on in some frames than in others. And all those pixels add up very quickly.

My monitor is set to 110hz while in windows and 96hz while gaming. =)

Sexy korean 1440p overclockable monitor.

Also say you had a 60hz monitor, and ran the game at 110 fps, you would get a better experience while gaming.

Your fps drops would still likely be over the 60 hz of your monitor, MUCH smoother experience.

60 fps is BARE minimum, once you have tasted playing over 90 fps.