290x price cut


Jul 19, 2014
I was wondering if anyone thought the 290x would get a price cut to clear out stock when the 300 series is released. and to what price if it does?

When you say not much what do you mean. Right now you can find it for 300 on newegg so 275? 250? more? less?
I am wondering because i currently have 1 780. but it is currently not preforming as it should because Nvidia isnt properly supporting them anymore. so i am not sure if i should get a second 780 for around 300 or get 2 290xs if they come down enough.

One post per topic plz

When the Ti hits the streets, expect the 980 and 970 to get a cut..... MAD will have to do something.... the 290x just isn't selling


Among DX11 cards, in the last month the 970 increased it's market share by 0.24% to 2.50% while the entire R9 series went up just 0.02% to 0.99%


In essence that means that there are (25) 970s out there for every (10) R9 (either 270, 270x, 280, 280x, 285, 290, 290x, 295x2) cards in use.

I don't know how it posted twice. Sorry about that. I only typed it in once so maybe it glitched. Is there away to remove it? So you think around 25 to 50 less. That is reasonable
The mods have been alerted, it will go bye bye

It's really up to nVidia in the short term .... when the 780 Ti dropped, the 780 went down $200 and that pushed everything else down with it. But with the 970 at $320 and still outselling all R7 and R9's combined, they are not really under any price pressure to do so.

They could:

1. Continue to rake it in, or

2. Reduce prices further. While that might seem counter intuitive, it was a common tactic used by companies to try and put competition out of business in the early 20th century.

I'm really hoping AMD hits a home run with the 390x but given the market share, economies of scale and what I expect are higher manufacturing costs, they are in a tough spot. nvidia spent over 30% of sales on R & D last year..... that's going to be hard for AMD to compete with.

In the long term, it's up to AMD, how they respond to the Ti's pricing and do the price for large amount of sales or larger margins ?