Hi, Can I crossfire a Sapphire 7870ghz Edition 2Gb with my current Sapphire 7850 2gb?, the Sapphire 7870ghz Edition is on sale on ncix canada and I already own the 7850, which was on sale but sold out. The clocks are different on both cards. I have an i5 760 @2.8Ghz with 8gb of Kingston, Sapphire 7850 2gb. Nothing great, it ran my games for a long time but its chugging and overheating on BF4 and some newer games. I'm looking at upgrading to a i5 4670k on a MSI Z87 G45 mobo, with 8gb of G.Kkill 1600mhz, Noctua D14, 128 ssd, Corsair 300R case and the 7870 if I can xfire it with the 7850. I have a budget of 1050$. I'm recycling my 700 watt coolermaster PSU and 2x1TB HDD. any advice is appreciated thanks.