2gb ddr3 or 1gb gddr3?

The Android

Nov 29, 2015
Well I'm trying to make a new gaming rig to play and record all the newest games on my channel but I need a new gpu (to get rid of gma 4500)
And these three are in my price range. But which is the best?



Oh yeah, I'm running windows 7 ultimate x64 sp1

Well, to answer that question, for that budget, yes, that one would be god, in my opinion GIGABYTE make the best GPU coolers with MSI and ASUS trailing closely behind and having 2GB of VRAM it would theoretically be able to render 1920x1080 resolutions; albeit I would spend more money; as money here many would agree.

EDIT: I see your battery is running flat, if I were you I would turn off SmartScreen and Bluetooth unless you really need them; they both drain quite a bit of power.

Whoa whoa whoa, did you just say $100? $100 USD? In my opinion the GPU is as important as the CPU and sometimes more important, if you have an i7 I'd be looking more along the lines of a GTX-850 or higher.

I'd read this thread if I were you, I would even say 4gb of ram would suffice but you need a better graphics card, especially if u want to play at least decent game sin the future which you do, looking at your current part list


All right, I've got to ask, are you trolling us? I'm sorry to tell you sir, but you simply will not be able to record high-resolution games (let alone run many of them) with a $100 GPU, if you are serious then you have wasted money on that monitor and RAM. Also, I see no reason why you would even want to record on the 'rig' we are talking about and your 'laptop'.

Well, to answer that question, for that budget, yes, that one would be god, in my opinion GIGABYTE make the best GPU coolers with MSI and ASUS trailing closely behind and having 2GB of VRAM it would theoretically be able to render 1920x1080 resolutions; albeit I would spend more money; as money here many would agree.

EDIT: I see your battery is running flat, if I were you I would turn off SmartScreen and Bluetooth unless you really need them; they both drain quite a bit of power.
All right, I've got to ask, are you trolling us? I'm sorry to tell you sir, but you simply will not be able to record high-resolution games (let alone run many of them) with a $100 GPU, if you are serious then you have wasted money on that monitor and RAM. Also, I see no reason why you would even want to record on the 'rig' we are talking about and your 'laptop'.

No, I'm quite serious. I'm used to saying my laptop hardware. I just got this desktop two days ago as a gift and I'm trying to work in making it a gaming rig for my YouTube channel and my current specs simply won't do. And I have more money than 100$ so I'll change it to 300$ no more though

Well that is a much better budget for a gaming rig GPU, assuming you live in the US, here is a good card which will also give you a bit of money to spare, also, I'd like to check out your channel if you don't mind.

With the remaining money you might like to grab an SSD (solid state drive); they are silent, less likely to fail, generate less heat and most importantly, are faster at reading and writing, you could put Window on the drive for very fast boot times and some games or you could swap out the games for recording videos so that you could support high-quality videos (HDDs probably should support that but SSDs are definitely faster; if you can afford it.) Here is a 120GB one and a 250GB one, although the price difference is marginal.

I hope I have helped. :)