Hello there,
so I wanted to get sum new equipment to watch my blu ray MKV files from a NAS, I bought what I thought was a NAS which would easily do the job (having my doubts now):
(QNAP TS-269L)
which I combo'd with a
(Seagate 3TB NAS HDD - 3.5" SATA-III 5900RPM 64MB Cache)
I could have bought a more expensive NAS but thought this would be able to stream my HD MKVs no problem and possibly transcode on the fly? let me know if im wrong. I then hooked it all up and copying small files to my pc via a talk talk router was above 2.45MBSp/s, so I then splashed out on the best router I could find thinking this was the problem, and purchased the:
(Asus RT-N66U Black Diamond Dual-Band Wireless-N900)
But speed is still the same 2.45MBp/s, even when I move a file within the NAS itself its 1MBp/s
I dont understand as its advertised as read and write speed 100MBp/s+ and the Asus router is 450MBp/s, so why does it transfer at 2MBp/s. Do I need to configure something or any ideas, first time trying to do this so maybe its something simple, please help if you can, thanks.
so I wanted to get sum new equipment to watch my blu ray MKV files from a NAS, I bought what I thought was a NAS which would easily do the job (having my doubts now):
(QNAP TS-269L)
which I combo'd with a
(Seagate 3TB NAS HDD - 3.5" SATA-III 5900RPM 64MB Cache)
I could have bought a more expensive NAS but thought this would be able to stream my HD MKVs no problem and possibly transcode on the fly? let me know if im wrong. I then hooked it all up and copying small files to my pc via a talk talk router was above 2.45MBSp/s, so I then splashed out on the best router I could find thinking this was the problem, and purchased the:
(Asus RT-N66U Black Diamond Dual-Band Wireless-N900)
But speed is still the same 2.45MBp/s, even when I move a file within the NAS itself its 1MBp/s
I dont understand as its advertised as read and write speed 100MBp/s+ and the Asus router is 450MBp/s, so why does it transfer at 2MBp/s. Do I need to configure something or any ideas, first time trying to do this so maybe its something simple, please help if you can, thanks.