2MBp/s Speed?, Please help if you can...


Dec 21, 2013
Hello there,

so I wanted to get sum new equipment to watch my blu ray MKV files from a NAS, I bought what I thought was a NAS which would easily do the job (having my doubts now):

(QNAP TS-269L)

which I combo'd with a

(Seagate 3TB NAS HDD - 3.5" SATA-III 5900RPM 64MB Cache)

I could have bought a more expensive NAS but thought this would be able to stream my HD MKVs no problem and possibly transcode on the fly? let me know if im wrong. I then hooked it all up and copying small files to my pc via a talk talk router was above 2.45MBSp/s, so I then splashed out on the best router I could find thinking this was the problem, and purchased the:

(Asus RT-N66U Black Diamond Dual-Band Wireless-N900)

But speed is still the same 2.45MBp/s, even when I move a file within the NAS itself its 1MBp/s

I dont understand as its advertised as read and write speed 100MBp/s+ and the Asus router is 450MBp/s, so why does it transfer at 2MBp/s. Do I need to configure something or any ideas, first time trying to do this so maybe its something simple, please help if you can, thanks.
You currently have a single HDD in the QNAP?

Do you have the QNAP connected to your router with an Ethernet cable or is it connected to something with a USB cable?

Also, if you connect both the QNAP and a computer to the LAN ports on the ASUS, what kind of transfer speeds to you get?
Hello, thank you for your response :)

yes I have 1 single HDD in the QNAP I could buy more if that would resolve the problem though? the QNAP is connected via Ethernet to the ASUS router, I did try hooking the QNAP direct to my Laptopto test that but was having problems and didnt want to mess things up...
Okay, then some component is not gigabit but only Fast Ethernet (100Mbps or about 10-11MB/s).

It is not the router or QNAP -- both of them are gigabit. It is either the laptop adapter or some other switch, if you have any.

What model is your laptop? Are all the cables in good shape and CAT5 or higher?

There is your answer -- the S200E does not have a gigabit port: "The latter uses a controller from Qualcomm/Atheros, which only supports the slower Fast Ethernet standard and thus connects at only 100 MBit/s". From a review of it HERE.