Question 2TB SATA falling asleep during STEAM install, maybe?


Dec 8, 2002
Just set up W11 on MSI Z370 motherboard / i7-8700K / 32GB ram using a 512GB M2 that I think came from an Acer laptop. Everything seems fine. I added a 2 TB SATA drive for games. I also put a SATA 500GB for storage.

When I attempt to install a game from STEAM, the download stalls out and claims the 2TB drive has disconnected. This has happened several times. I have checked the cables and scanned the drive for errors. Installing from STEAM to the 500GB SATA works fine.

I installed a game on the 2TB drive from a GOG download (not a streaming downloading install, but from an already downloaded game already located on the 2 TB SATA HDD), and the game installed fine and played fine. When I try STEAM, the download starts, but eventually, stops claiming some hard drive error.

I loaded up the GOG game to keep the HDD active, toggled out, opened STEAM, and the STEAM game downloaded just fine, and then loaded up and played fine.

Is there a setting I am missing somewhere? Why would this happen with the 2TB SATA and not the 500GB SATA? Any ideas? Thanks.
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In advanced options for the power plan you have set, that small window with additional power settings for various things, there's a setting to turn off storage drives after certain amount of time. Type never as the value. It is a weird issue so hopefully it's not a faulty drive and that setting helps.
I will take a look when I get home. I tried to find those settings already, but I couldn't find the ones my Google search directed me toward.

W11 Home, and because W10 Home installed from the M2, before I upgraded to W11 Home, the OS might still thing this is a laptop needing power more saving options. Not sure about any of this. First time I have really played with W11, too.

This is for Win10, don't have 11 yet.

In start bar search type or copy paste 'edit plan settings'

See if that brings up the window with turn of display and put the computer to sleep settings. Below that is change adv power settings. In there is the option for hard disk.
Seems like it is working now. Had to get it off of a preset Acer power profile (laptop power settings). Made a new profile and set it to performance.
There is an advanced settings tab below the generic power settings. Within those, I changed the turn off hard drive when inactive to after 120 minutes. 20 is default. I did this yesterday, but within the Acer settings, and the changes did not stick even after apply and ok. It went back to the Acer settings. Creating a new power profile and selecting performance, changed the sleep settings to never. I just downloaded a 46GB game without issue.
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