2WIRE SBC connection problems



Archived from groups: (More info?)

I'm having a problem with my wireless connection. It's the 2Wire Home
Portal/wireless network adaptor connections that came with my SBC account.

The Home Portal is fine but my USB network adaptor connection keeps
dropping. It seems to come back fine by unplugging and plugging it back in
or rebooting.

I think it's the adaptor. SBC says its out of warranty and it'll cost me.
But is there another problem? I'm not using a router...I'm just using the
home portal that came with the SBC software.

By the way, these are two PCs with XP.

Any thoughts? Much appreciated.


Archived from groups: (More info?)

On Sun, 18 Sep 2005 17:20:49 -0000, ificandream
<ficandream@anywhere.com> wrote:

>> What model 2wire? The model number is on the serial number tag on the
>> bottom of the case.

Got it. That's the older model ADSL wireless router.

>> You should not be using the USB connection for connectivity. You
>> should be using the ethernet connection. The USB port is useful for
>> configuration and it's possible to use it to surf the web, but it's
>> not a great idea.

>Actually, it is connected with the Ethernet cable from the main portal
>to the computer where the modem is connected.

I'll assume that "it" means the 1800HW ADSL wireless router. What is
a "main portal"? Is that another router? If so, I'm lost.

Modem? What modem? Is there another box acting as an ADSL modem?

>Only the wireless
>connector uses the USB port.

That is NOT the way the USB port on the 1800HW works.

>That computer is in another room and it's
>more practical to use the USB port there. Plus the wireless connector is
>USB, not Ethernet.

Sorry, I'm lost. The computer in the "other" room should have some
type of wireless client adapter attached which apparently is connected
via USB. What is this device?

>The phone line is connected to the filter and plugged into the wall. The
>ethernet cable from the modem is connected to the port on the back of
>the computer.

What modem? The 1800HG has a built in ADSL modem. Do you have a
seperate box that's acting as a modem? What port on the back of the
computer do you have this "modem" connected to? (Ethernet, USB,
serial, parallel, POTS modem?). Are you talking about a dialup POTS

>The second computer is not nearby, and I'd have to get a very long
>Ethernet cable to plug into it. Is that what you're suggesting?

Yes. It might be easier to just move the computer. The idea is to
take the wireless out of the picture and test the system without
wireless. If that works, whatever is broken is certain to be in the
wireless. If it screws up with a wired connection, then there's
something wrong with the machine. It's a good way to eliminate many
of the potential problems.

>> You'll get better answers if you supply:
>> 1. What problem are you trying to solve?
>Trying to keep my wireless connection from shutting down. The main
>connection is fine. It's the network one that has the problem.
>> 2. What do you have to work with? (hardware and software list)
>Two Pentium IV XP clones, both less than two years old. I can give you
>more specs if you need.

No, that's fine. It would be nice to know if it's XP Home, Pro, or
Media Edition. Also whether you have SP2 installed. Whether you have
a 3rd party firewall or security software in place. What model
wireless devices you have installed. What version hardware wireless
devices. What version firmware if there have been some upgrades?
Whether you've scanned for viruses and spyware? Are you getting the
picture? If you use the word "it" in your description, please verify
that you reference what device you mean by "it".

>> 3. What have you done so far and what happened?
>Reinstalled 2Wire drivers on both computers,

Which 2 wire driver? Which versions? The 2wire driver is really a
monitor and setup utility for the wired computer and shouldn't have
any effect on operation. The driver on the wireless computer is
critical to the problem as it vaguely sounds like the power management
is turning off the wireless after the machine goes idle.

>rechecked wiring on main
>computer, moved the USB connection on the networked computer around to
>different ports.

I'm still lost as to what you're using for the wireless client device.
What make and model device are you running as a wireless client?

>Torn my hair out. Plugged the network connection back
>in on reboot so the connection comes back up after it goes down.

I hate to hit you with so many questions but I'm unable to decode what
you are working with in the way of equipment, how you have it
arranged, and how it's connected together. Frankly, your description
is vague and confusing.

The shutdown is happening on the wireless client end and probably due
to power management. There's nothing wrong on the 2wire 1800HW end.
I can't offer suggestions until you disclose the nature of your client
adapter and associated version numbers.

Jeff Liebermann jeffl@comix.santa-cruz.ca.us
150 Felker St #D http://www.LearnByDestroying.com
Santa Cruz CA 95060 http://802.11junk.com
Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558