2x GTX 670 SLI vs Single GTX 970?

Is your 670 a 2gb version? To me there is little point in sli if it mean being restricted to 2gb VRAM these days. Games even at 1080p often use more than 2gb if you max them out and a handful use more than 3gb (found this with my 780) so I expect 2gb could be quite limiting in the near future

Without any doubt the SLI 670's, when directX12 will be released you'll have 2x2GB of Vram instead of just 2GB.(which i thought is not yet confirmed though..)

Otherwise i'd still go with SLI 670's i think.

And is that only on DX12 games? i'd go 970, cooler, quieter, lower powered, less perf than 670sli, dx12 capable, not SLI, more vram.

Go for the 970, single stronger GPU is still better, even tho at the end of 2015 there are gonna be games using dx12 and you will be able to stack vram. But we don't know that for sure, be on the safe side and get the 970.
Depends, If you have a 670, SLI capable motherboard and PSU and can get a second 670 for ~£100 then it's going to be better value than selling your 670 (~£100) and buying a single 970 (~£280), so ~£80 more for a 970, which has less power but more memory. I run 680 sli @ 5840x1080p and do run out of video memory on games like Far Cry, you just have to turn some of the setting down to keep it running smoothly.