2x Msi Gtx 1080 8gb Gaming x or 1 GTX 1080ti


Jun 22, 2016
So my question is simple. What would be better? Two sli Msi gtx 1080 8gb gaming x cards or one Gtx 1080ti?

I already own a Msi Gtx 1080 Gaming X, and I was debating about getting another one to improve my gaming performance and give a bit more power to the processing for streaming. However i cannot find any info comparisons for dual 1080's vs a 1080 ti. So im curious if it would be smarter for me to grab another 1080 like is my current plan, or get a newer 1080ti.

Thank you very much for your inputs. i'll be awaiting your answers.

Intel i7-6700k
Msi z170a Xpower Gaming Titanium
Corsair Vengeance Lpx 32gb DDR4 3000mhz
Msi Gtx 1080 8GB Gaming X
2 ssd
3 hdd
Be Quiet 1000 watt psu (on the way)
I just try to encourage people to consider performance per dollar in these things, that's where I'm coming from. If you have to spend $300-500 on more graphics horsepower to go from 4k at high settings to 4k at ultra settings, that just doesn't make sense to me personally. My two cents: buy the 4k monitor first and try playing at whatever settings you want with low to minimal anti-aliasing. If you don't like the way it looks, then consider upgrading. Upgrading before you get the monitor doesn't give you the chance you evaluate whether it's worth it to you or not.

EDIT: Ebay is by far the easiest place to sell used graphics cards, just make sure you don't allow international shipping. People will try to scam you
I mean what are you even playing that needs that kind of power? Are you streaming with shadowplay? Because if you're not, then getting another graphics card isn't really going to help. You'd be much better off selling your CPU/mobo and getting something with more cores. OBS doesn't play nice with SLI most of the time, but you can do it if you perform some fixes.


Jun 22, 2016

Im using a mix of Twitch Broadcaster and OBS, but my main reason i'll soon be moving up to 4k graphic's settings with soon to be aquired 4k monitor's and feel like i should maximize the performance so i won't have to for the next few years. As far as my cpu and motherboard, it has all the power I need for the vast majority of what I do. Im just curious if i should just get another of my current gpu since i'ts about $150 cheaper then the 1080ti right now. would the performance 2 gtx 1080's be greater then a single gtx 1080 ti
Twitch barely even supports enough bitrate for 1080p60, 4k would be wayyyy too much and it would look terrible, but I assume this is just for personal use. A single 1080 can easily drive 4k at high to sometimes ultra with lower AA settings in almost all games, so if I were you I'd just pass on upgrading for now and wait until the next generation of cards. At the end of the day it's your decision though. 2x1080 will outperform a 1080 ti in games that have well-developed SLI support, but games are increasingly dropping support for it so most people here won't recommend it. "So I won't have to upgrade for the next few years" is a really bad mentality to have with GPUs in my opinion, because you can get mid-high tier products (like the xx70-xx80) from every generation for the price of dumping all your money on a crazy setup day 1 and it'll allow you to stay current on features and have better performance a couple years down the road when the crazy setup has aged. Just look at all those guys that have the SLI 780 ti's.


Jun 22, 2016

Yeah i can see where you'd go ehhh on the twitch upload. i also throw up the recorded videos on youtube as well.
I've never once figured out how to sell a graphics card. Don't know how/where i can do that.

As for being setup, i ran with 2 gtx 550's up until last year when i upgraded my whole rig, and those two lasted a good long while. Was thinking that'd work for these as well.

I know i don't make the best decisions when i comes to this stuff so that's why i mostly ask this community.
I just try to encourage people to consider performance per dollar in these things, that's where I'm coming from. If you have to spend $300-500 on more graphics horsepower to go from 4k at high settings to 4k at ultra settings, that just doesn't make sense to me personally. My two cents: buy the 4k monitor first and try playing at whatever settings you want with low to minimal anti-aliasing. If you don't like the way it looks, then consider upgrading. Upgrading before you get the monitor doesn't give you the chance you evaluate whether it's worth it to you or not.

EDIT: Ebay is by far the easiest place to sell used graphics cards, just make sure you don't allow international shipping. People will try to scam you


Jun 22, 2016

Good point, gonna be grabbing this next week https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824025406
any recommendation on a part selling site or place?
Ebay is the best IMO. You can get more sometimes since you don't have to pay fees in local classifieds (whatever your craigslist equivalent is), but having both buyer and seller protection is nice. Like I said above just don't ship internationally. People from countries like India will often buy these items, claim they're broken, and then count on you not wanting to go through the expense/trouble of paying return shipping the item.


Nov 18, 2011

I have a gtx 1080 gaming x 8gb & I'm using a 4k screen. The question is, what will perform better ? a gtx 1080 sli or 1080ti