2x RX 480 or 1x GTX 1080 + Crossfire/SLI Questions


Jun 8, 2016
So I'm thinking of building a PC soon and I was wondering whether or not I should get two RX 480 cards or a single GTX 1080. Both the RX 480s still cost less than a single GTX 1080, but I'm wondering whether they'll be worth it in the long term, as I don't really want to upgrade for at least 3-4 years while staying in at least 60 fps with Ultra graphics for the newest games.

If I plan on staying in 1080p (though advice for a possible 1440p upgrade would be appreciated) as well as playing VR games, should two RX 480s still hold for a few years or should I invest in a 1080?

SLI/Crossfire also confuses me a bit. Could someone explain the pros and cons of using two graphics cards as well as any complications that might arise from running two? I plan on using the computer for both the newest and older games, so if any problems might arise from either of them could you address it and/or suggest fixes to possible generalized problems?
Why dont you go with 1070 if you can pay 2x rx 480. 1070 about the same price range. overclock it a bit and youl have your selfe agtx 1080 with -10% preformance and no crosfire scale ishues :) ( edit: SIngle card is always better then 2 les power draw aswell and if your going to play 1080p 1070 is more mroe thne you need and its will be good for 1440p aswell so good luck man :)
Why dont you go with 1070 if you can pay 2x rx 480. 1070 about the same price range. overclock it a bit and youl have your selfe agtx 1080 with -10% preformance and no crosfire scale ishues :) ( edit: SIngle card is always better then 2 les power draw aswell and if your going to play 1080p 1070 is more mroe thne you need and its will be good for 1440p aswell so good luck man :)
What about the heat on your PCI slots. 2 480's overclocked, and in Crossfire I am hearing will fry your system. What mobo or what specs on a mobo should be considered.