3.5mm to Female USB for USB Headphones?

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May 9, 2014
So I just bought a Logitech headset (Logitech Wireless Gaming Headset G930 to be specific) and it's Wireless USB. Well, I was wondering since it's USB that practically means it's for the computer, but I was wondering if I'm able to use a 3.5mm to Female USB adapter to use it on my surround sound? Why I ask, is because I play on a monitor and all, and the HDMI with audio goes to a 3.5mm plug, which my surround system uses to get the audio. Well, also my surround system has a 3.5mm thing for my headphones, which I use a lot (old headphones), but I was wondering if I bought one of those adapters would I be able use it for the USB thing on the headphones from the female USB?

Am I able to do that? Does the USB receiver on the headphones require power, so that option probably isn't possible at all?

If the above is the case, is there any device (probably powered or something so it would work) out there that would be what I'm looking for (have no idea what it would be called or what to look for, to even search on the Internet)? Maybe something of the lines of an adapter (universal?) that is 3.55mm IN and the device has a Female USB OUT, that would be powered, so it would probably work... is there anything out there like that at all?

Why I would like something like this is because I use a monitor to play my Console games, and Netflix, etc., on the consoles, so I have to use that 3.5mm jack for audio. And my surround sound doesn't have any USB things or of that line, just all 3.55mm out jacks and such on it.

Anyway, thanks for your time!
thats not going to work.

the problem is that the sound output via 3.5mm is "analog" while the signal usb transfers is "digital"

the g930 has a built in soundcard which is why it is usb. it also requires a pc for the software portion so just plugging it into the usb of your consoles wouldnt work either. there are usb headsets which work for both but this is not one of them. perhaps get one of these crossover pc and console headsets and plug it into the device you are using at the time.

if you absolutely must use that 3.5mm then i would return the g930 and get a pair of wireless headphones which have a 3.5mm connector
such as these http://en-us.sennheiser.com/audio-headphones-stereo-wireless-120-ii keep in mind though that if you use just that 3.5 output jack that you wont have mic which is why i listed headphones not a headset.
Well darn, that sucks... no, it's fine, I'll just use my old 5.1 headphones that I use. And I guess the G930 for PC only.

Do they have a type of sound-card (perferably 7.1) that has a 3.5mm IN, so I could Do a male-to-male 3.5mm cord from monitor to sound-card on PC, and do it that way? So maybe then the G930 could work through my PC that way. And if the sound-card could, a Digital Output IN on the card, so I can have my PS3 have it's own audio (while the Xbox 360 still does the lame 3.5mm from monitor).

Wow, thanks for the video!

Yeah, I know it has it's own sound-card, but in order for me to get the inputs, such as the Digital Output and the male-to-male 3.5mm thing, I would need to buy a sound-card, because I currently don't have one.

Plus, I know the mic wouldn't work regardless, but then again, I mostly play Single-Player games and when on multiplayer, I play solo, so I never use a mic anyway.

Thanks again, if I have more questions I'll just post here!
Ok, some questions now. Now we're going to get a bit crazy here... mainly almost all of this could be avoided if I played on a TV, but since I don't, and on a Monitor, that's why. So here we go:

I did some research and whatnot, and for anything such as monitors, you only get a 3.5mm output, so you get stereo audio, instead of 5.1 or 7.1. Even though a HDMI into the monitor.

From the video you posted, I watched some others, and people go crazy like I'm going to go. So bear with me...

Since I did all this research I really don't want stereo audio anymore (now I'm talking about my 5.1 speakers and such) As I said I need a new sound-card, and was thinking of going with this one - http://www.amazon.com/Creative-Blaster-Fatal1ty-Champion-SB1354/dp/B0060SXDRI/ref=sr_1_14?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1399678729&sr=1-14&keywords=7.1+sound+card

I know it has those extra two things, but I was thinking of going with it. However, if you know of a better card or something, let me know.

Now where it gets a bit complicated - Since I'm using a monitor, I did some research and was thinking of doing switch type things, and a splitter. Here's what I mean:

I want to get HDMI switch since on the monitor there is only one HDMI, and I only have one HDMI cord, so I have to go back and forth, so I would get one of these - http://www.amazon.com/Kinivo-301BN-Premium-wireless-adapter/dp/B0049S6ZUS/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1399677869&sr=8-1&keywords=hdmi+selector+switch

And then I would get this for my Xbox 360, since it has no Digital audio cord - http://www.amazon.com/J-Tech-Digital-Premium-Extractor-Converter/dp/B00BIQER0E/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1399677396&sr=8-1&keywords=hdmi+audio+extractor - And that would go before the HDMI switch, so it would only be for the Xbox 360.

Then, I would get this last thing, which is a switch for the Digital Output - http://www.amazon.com/ViewHD-TOSLINK-Digital-Optical-Switcher/dp/B00G188Z7A/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1399677987&sr=8-1&keywords=digital+audio+switch - so I can switch in-between which console I want, since the output would go into my PC, then back to my speakers.

I know this is a lot, and such, but I think, especially the switches I'm going to need, since it's getting tedious switching between the one cord back and forth, plus, in the near future I'll be getting an Xbox One, and that has an actual Digital Audio output.

Anyway, I'm asking this all because I'm new to it all, and am wondering what the risks are - degrade in audio/video; or maybe it's alright and everything will work the same, and I get better audio (the Xbox 360 version, of that spitter between the audio and video), etc.

If this is alright and all, but you would recommend a different device (of the same thing), do so, because those are what I posted, and maybe they are terrible, but you would know of a better one (for quality, etc.).

Also, even though I bought a USB headset, is there really a difference between USB and 3.5mm? I know it has it's own sound card, but other than that - 3.5mm headsets would have better sound if you had a great sound-card, things like that.

yes, 3.5mm is stereo only. this is why computer speakers have 3 wires for 5.1 channels (6 channels..2 per plug, 2 wires per plug)

asus xonar cards are the popular ones nowdays but i dont see any with optical inputs on them so what you have will likely work. you could also use spdif coaxial cables on a splitter and get a card with spdif coax inputs.. but whatever is easier would depend on the devices you connect and if they have optical or coax connections.

i'm not sure about headphones but if that soundcard can take a 5.1 signal from an input then it should be able to play it. i've never dealt with using an optical input though.

i cant say about that particular model of hdmi switcher... but you have the right idea. however keep in mind that it ABSOLUTELY MUST HAVE hdcp support or else its useless. consoles use this and without it you get a nice blank image on the screen. here are a few more to check out... they are reviewed http://hdmi-switcher-review.toptenreviews.com/

according to this http://www.800hightech.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/x/b/xbox-360-4gb-back.jpg the xb360 has an optical port???? however if it doesnt (i realize there are different models) then you are on track with needing an optical split off box. i cannot say about the quality of that particular one though. read reviews is all i can say. oh and make sure this also has hdcp support or else you wont have video from the console.

looks like you are on track with the spdif splitter as well. provided you dont have more than 1 device on at a time you could use a splitter here not a switch. this would save you cash. you cant use one on the hdmi because you will have two devices running at once which are exporting hdmi but in this case i highly doubt you will have both consoles on at once so a splitter is useable.

now... you might be able to play the sounds over your headset by just swapping the output from speakers to headset however i cant guarantee 5.1 sound. it might work, it might not. all i can do is guess since i've never had a setup like yours.

3.5 headsets rely on your soundcard and accept an analog signal. usb headsets decode the digital signal themselves. buying a good soundcard isnt going to affect a usb set but will a 3.5mm. i believe that the g930 is one of the stereo headsets (yeah most surround sound headphones only have one speaker for each ear!) that uses dolby headphone (software) to fake surround. this is why it is usb and has the software requirements. usb headsets are for people on laptops or without good soundcards while 3.5mm is for people who either want something cheap or who buy the better models to hook up via a good soundcard. some surround sound models of headphones with 3.5mm jacks (these ones always have multiple drivers in them i believe) can take three 3.5mm cables just like speakers do. the single 3.5mm cable ones though are all stereo sound only (unless using software like razer has which does the same dolby headphone surround faking). usb headsets can be either surround sound (fake), surround sound (multiple drivers) or stereo.

.......if your system is able to play sound via the optical in jack... theres a good chance what you want to do will work (with speakers) and a chance that it will work with your headset as well (cant guarantee that dolby headphone will work and give you surround sound though).
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