3 discs are for installation or play?


Yes all three are used in the installation of the game and usually the first disk labled disk 1 might have to be in the DVD/CD drive as you play the game. One of the disk usually the disk 3 has all the credits and read me files on how to play the game which is part of the installation. Good luck to you.
They are all for installing and one will be used when playing. They are CD's not DVD's so they needed 3 to fill all the data. I believe when I played it I was tired of using the CD and found a NOCD exe file so I didn't have to use it anymore.

Just a word of advice...

Giving such information goes against THG's policy of software piracy because it circumvents the game's DRM. Sure, you may own the game, but you are still bypassing the game's built-in DRM.


Jun 30, 2009
All 3 discs will first be needed for installing the game. Thereafter, one of them (usually Disc 1) will be required to run the game. Many games don't require any discs to run the game post installation, but nowadays that's more of an exception than the rule.

My bad. I mean I keep the disk in the drive 24/7. I do not condone pirating software, but I guess that is still not advisable.