3 GTX 770s 4GB or 1 GTX 780 Ti for 4K?

First of all, tri-sli is generally not recommended, as you'll have a lot of latency and frametime issues. Then there's heat, power, noise etc etc. Regular dual SLI is the max people should get. Besides, a third card will not increase the performance in a way the second card does. You pay the price of a full gtx 770 but gain only a tiny little bit of performance, it's really not worth it at all. Second: the memory will NOT stack up, eventually you'll be left with 4gb of effective memory. Third: 3 770's are waaaaay more powerful than a single 780ti. Fourth: Don't go with the 690, it's a previous generation GPU and from what i've read, a 790 is on the horizon. Fifth: The price you'd pay for 3 770's probably will be about the same as 2 780ti's and you'll have a MUCH better experience with those. way less issues and driver problems.

So my recommendation is: dual 780ti's :)

+1 for Dual SLI GTX 780 Ti's and to further specify, I would go with the EVGA GTX 780 Ti SC w/ACX http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00GMTGJIU which are the best 780 Ti's for the price.

EVGA has the best customer support in the business and the ACX cooler is quite efficient. They also come factory OC'ed but you can always OC them more if you want/need to.

Generally, there are diminishing returns on the performance you get out of the more cards you add in a SLI setup.