3 Monitor Setup Question


Jun 10, 2016
Hey guys, so I am upgrading to a GTX 1070 very soon and will be purchasing a third monitor. My question is I have 2 60Hz regular 22" monitors and want to get a 24" 144Hz monitor for my main middle gaming monitor.

That being said, can I have the two older monitors set at 60Hz and the new one set at 144Hz with no problem, or do all monitors have to be set at the same refresh rate?

Links to said monitors, ALSO if you have a suggestion for a better monitor that will be used for gaming within or near to the same price range please link me!

2 old ones I have currently


1 new one I want


Awesome, do you think a GTX1070 with an i7-4490 will be fine with pushing the three monitors and gaming on 1 monitor?

Currently I have an i5-4430 and a GTX650Ti with a HDD.

Tomorrow I am upgrading to the i7-4790K, GTX1070 and a 500GB Samsung 850 SSD!

The computer runs most games fine currently but want to get ready for the new releases coming out and I really need the upgrade! Hope its worth it!
May I ask why you decide to go with an i7? It won't boost your gaming performance in any noticeable way. And, I'd argue that even for productivity, such as rendering, an i7 is still not worth it as long as what you're doing isn't for profit.

I'd also want to let you know that the new RX 480 is coming soon. Supposedly GTX 970 performance, but for a whole lot less money. I think it would be wise to wait for a month, then making your buying decision, rather than buy right before a new graphics card launch. You can spend the extra money saved on a new awesome SSD instead.

It is however all about your expectations. I can play Skyrim on my Xbox 360 right now without any complaints. And I can also fire up my Skyrim on my PC with plenty of mods and in 4k, without any complaints (obviously!). If you're not going for the max settings all the time, then it's very wise to buy the "lower" end cards rather than the mid end cards, as you're getting a whole lot more performance for your money.

All the best!

Currently my PC is fine with normal gaming and tasks but I would like to start streaming on Twitch and everytime I do so my CPU gets pegged at 100% and lags my whole computer unless I cut my stream quality down to under 720p.
Streaming at 1080p isn't a good idea. No big streamers do that. For one, you will not likely have quality options available to the viewer, and second, the viewers internet connection and CPU are going to be hammered, because not everyone are on high end systems. Your CPU should have no trouble streaming to Twitch. I would bring this issue up with Twitch Support, or the broadcasting software you use, because it's likely about settings.

Yea I try to stream at 720p 30FPS I average about 30-40 FPS in game which I cannot stand lol I need 60FPS or better in FPS games lol