3 monitor surround ? question.


Sep 28, 2014
So the title already tells a lot, i got 3 monitors running all of them are the same resolution and Hz.

But i got two monitors at the bottom and one monitor ontop of the two monitors, but wat i want it to do can't be found on the Nvidia Control Panel.
I want to use my two bottom monitors in surround and the top monitor not surround.
Any idea how this can be done ? or can't be done yet ?

WOW, thanks for sharing, so simple yet hard for any of us to grasp. Appreciate you passing that along.

Top monitor goes black with a message saying NO SIGNAL.

I even tried to disconnect the top monitor and surround the two at the bottom, and after that connect the top monitor back to the PC, but all that does is undo surround and back at the beginning.

That's unfortunate, I have the same setup at home and will also try just to confirm but it seems like you'll need an additional video card.

Even with a SLI setup i am unable to do this, i had my 2x 980s laying around and still that does not do it for me.

So if anyone had the same problem i got the fix for you, well Nvidia provided the help.

First of go to Nvidia Control Panel.
3D Settings -> Configure, Surround, PhysX -> CHECK Span displays with surround (1x2) hit apply.
Go to Display -> Set up multiple displays - > and CHECK the third monitor -> drag to top and hit apply.

Thanks for the support
Special thanks to Nvidia for helping me out on this one.

WOW, thanks for sharing, so simple yet hard for any of us to grasp. Appreciate you passing that along.