3 monitors causing gpu to stutter

Jan 8, 2019
I have this new issue (i have always had 3 monitors so this issue is new) where i am getting INCREDIBLY consistent stuttering with games and videos. Every x seconds(roughly every 0.75 seconds) i get a 0.2 second stutter.
Here are my specs:
GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
Intel Core i7-6700K cpu @4.00 GHz

2 monitors are 1920x1080 with 60hz and the main monitor is
2560x1440 @ 144Hz

I can't seem to find a fix for this and it has made me need to turn off both monitors to play without a stutter. However with the other two monitors off, I can play games without stutter.

Tried gaming on other monitors and the lag seems slightly worse on them, also tested HZ and FPS and they are all perfect. FPS > 250 and each monitor runs at their intended Hz.
Minimum Resolution: 15.625, maximum resolution: 0.500
Current Resolution: 0.496 milliseconds

This is what it said when I clicked maximum when in game.

and yes I ran it while the stuttering application was running.
All settings are still very bad in terms of stuttering. I have tried playing multiple games all very intensive or very non intensive and I get almost the same amount of stuttering across them all. Also it doesn't matter which monitor I use, if I have more than one on, there is stuttering.