3 monitors on Radeon 747OM?


Jan 27, 2014
I have a new ASUS PC with an AMD Radeon HD 747OM. I have one monitor connected via HDMI through the graphics card and another monitor connected via USB through the computer. Does anyone know if I can connect a third monitor (none of the monitors are/will be duplicated; all separate views) either through the available display port on the graphics card or either through another USB port? Or does pushing a 3rd (or even a 4th) monitor require a second video card?

thanx for your time.
Usb does not use the gpu. Usb dongles use their own video adapter so you can essentially run as many monitors as long as you aren't filling all usbs' bandwidth. You can realize how very little resources running monitors take when such a weak adapter can run them.

Thanx for the response. Ok, so I've connected my 3rd monitor via USB and while my computer recognizes it, I can't get anything to show up on the screen. Any ideas?

I'm using an HDMI to USB adapter (brand = Cable Matters, whose products have worked for me well so far).

And what are you referring to ..."ccc"?

Again, thanx lots for your time.
Ah-ha! After some swapping out and testing, I see that one of my HDMI to USB adapters is faulty! So I'm going to replace it and get back to you. Also, I am going to get a HDMI to VGA adapter (to try and use the other port on my video card). When I get those in, I'll hit you back for some follow up. But until then, I have another question...the ccc you referred to...the Catalyst Control Center, I presume? (Sorry for being a bit slow.) When I initiate CCC, it crashes on me, a box comes up and says the host application has failed. Any suggestions? If it helps, I'm running Win 8 and have the recent updates to 8.1.

Thank you mucho for your attention.