Calling shenanigans on all the responses...
Cause lets' breakdown the information you have provided to make a educated decision...
- What is your available open-floor free space?
- What are you going to do with a 3-monitor setup?
(aka, is this sheer gaming or do you work from home / video editing / productivity software?)
- Why do you want VR anyways?
- Do you have $800 disposable for a whim?
It pretty much comes down to those questions. Mind you, I am writing off the Oculus Rift till they get touch controls, so with the HTC you want a moderate amount of free space to enjoy the system to the fullest. Then it really comes down to what kind of gamer you are / what kind of experience you want to get.
It really is apples and oranges.. like buying an SUV versus an electric sports car. They get you there.. but in different ways.
Put it this way.... VR is still sort of experimental, and while it is the future, the software hasn't caught up. It's fun, awesome, and I love it.. but it is a lifestyle choice. Sorta like buying a trampoline or a billards table. It could be the coolest thing in your life, or it could just sit collecting dust.
**lol** I remember people used to have this conversation about PC's... soundcards... flatscreens... laptops... pretty much every tech...except the IBM Lightpen. 😛