3 pin hub 4 pin mobo

Sep 16, 2018
PLEASE help. I want to add case fans. I want to install a Rosewill brand "8 fan hub" with addressable rgb 3 pin to mobo. It' came with my 3 pack of Rosewill rgb fans that are 4 pin, a remote, and a SATA plug for hub into PSU.
My Mobo is an Asus Prime Z 270 A and all the fan headers are 4 pin.
My fan hub cable has two options (both two different 3 pin configurations) for Asus and Gigabyte boards.
One side of the cable from the fan hub (labeled by them for Asus Mobo) It is solid molded plastic 3 pin. This configuration "*" = pins [* * plastic space *]
There is another fan hub cable for what they lable for a Gigabyte board 3 pin. (Small skinny rectangle)
this configuration "*" = pins [***]
Questions are as follows
1. Is there a way to make the hub work? I would prefer it
2. Is there a replacement cable for 4 pins on the Mobo/3 pin to hub for the fan hub?
3. Three fans. Could I plug them in directly to the Mobo
4. Is it safe to do so?
5. Will any of this fry my Mobo?
I guess not since the fan hub plugs into the PSU via SATA
I already have three case fans connected to the built in NZXT case fans controller. Also a Kracken x 62 aio plugged into the Mobo properly.
Rosewill is a no go on info. Limited info in Mobo manual. Google give the solutions to the opposite problem (3 pin Mobo 4 pin fans)
Thank you for your help and time

Sure, it can work, but you'll have full speed fans. Anytime you use a 3 pin fan or hub, on a PWM header, you have no speed control unless that is an actively managed controller that connects to a supplemental power source and doesn't need the power feed from the header AND if that is the pin that is missing. Without the sense or PWM signal pin, there can't be any speed control from a PWM header.

Now, that being said, there ARE controllers that can be used with either 3 pin or 4 pin fans that DO have speed control because they connect through either the 4 pin motherboard header to the hub, which then controls the speed signal to the fans, or controls the speed through it's own internally controlled electronics and connects to an internal USB header then uses software to control things.

I've used these on motherboards that did not have the ability to do both voltage control and PWM when I was using a combination of fan types, or when only using 3 pin voltage controlled fans, and they work very well but they are not free, or cheap. Probably about 35-45 bucks for an NZXT Grid+ controller or whatever Corsair is calling theirs these days. Likely their are others out there as well but I can't testify as to how well they work like I can with the NZXT controller. Not too sure that they will work with the RGB controls though. You'd have to look into that. In fact, I don't even know that it matters as that is usually a separate connection altogether but I'd still want to investigate before even looking into buying one.
Is the missing pin on the connector one of the two that are lined up directly with the plastic alignment key on the connector or is it one of the two that are not in front of the alignment key? So many weird combinations of implementation these days it's hard to say what any given controller or manufacturer is doing without documentation to support it.

Honestly, since you have PWM fans, and that hub came with it, I'd just try it and see. It's pretty doubtful they'd include a hub with PWM fans if it wasn't compatible HOWEVER I have seen dumber things done by manufacturers so I wouldn't put anything past them.
Question from yahwehrisenking : "3 pin fan hub/4 pin MOBO"

So it says I can control speed through controller that controls the RGB too. What is that all about if they provided a three pin. I did do my research. It said 4 pin fans. I looked at the hub pics, 4 pins, they said good for Asus and Gigabyte boards. It shows and says nowhere that the fan hub is three pinned. I opened the package and Bam, there was the idiotic two headed three pin.
I already showed the pin config. Mobo= **** fand hub cord on "Gigabyte" side = ***
Hub cord for Asus board= ** space*

Could I just get another cable that goes three pin from hub and 4 pin to Mobo?
If so, what are they called?
Did you even read my second post? It's likely that if the hub came WITH the fans, then it will work. It certainly can't hurt to try it and if says it can do speed control, then I'm sure it can. The missing pin is probably irrelevant due to the internal configuration of the controller.

Just line up the one that is * ** using the alignment notch on the connector to the stub sticking up from the header and then connect your fans to the controller in the same way. It is very likely that the missing pin is not essential for speed control in this configuration. Even the NZXT controller doesn't have four pins on the controller which is why it works with both three and four pin fans.

I want to but there is plastic in the way of the empty space ** plastic*
It won't fit. Could I get a 3 to 4 pin connector cable and plug that into my hub and Mobo?
I am sorry for being a pest. It just pisses me off when companies omit and imply