3 Way SLI GTX 760 or 2 Way SLI 770 or one 780/ti?


Jul 28, 2014
Title says it all. I am going to build a new computer and which would be better performance wise? 3 Gtx 760's, two gtx 770's or 1 gtx 780 / 780 ti?

The GTX 970 and GTX 980 were only released two days ago.
They are seliing very well and some retailers may be out of stock.
These cards are well worth waiting for.

The GTX 980 is about 13% faster than the GTX 970 but much more expensive.
Two GTX 970 cards in SLI does not cost much more than a...

Aren't 980's entry level cards? I am going to be doing some heavy heavy gaming. I am looking at AT MOST $800 on some cards.

The GTX 980 is very high end card and right now is the best single GPU out there stronger than even the 780 ti.

Well, I didnt know that. But didnt they come out a few days ago or something? I looked on newegg and amazon and they were sold out.

You can also pick them up at your local tiger direct(just dont let them trick you into buying anything else those bastards)or bestbuy. Or just keep checking online.

The GTX 970 and GTX 980 were only released two days ago.
They are seliing very well and some retailers may be out of stock.
These cards are well worth waiting for.

The GTX 980 is about 13% faster than the GTX 970 but much more expensive.
Two GTX 970 cards in SLI does not cost much more than a GTX 980, but has much higher performance.
SLI can have issues, but you will be fine in most titles.