3 year old Corsair H100i Extreme : What to expect?


Jul 31, 2015
Good day all my friend is trying to give me his 3 yrs old Corsair H100i extreme aio liquid cooler. and i was thinking of changing my aircool system to LCS, but i just i want to know what can i expect from this 3 yr old aio lcs?..
will it perform as it was lets say 2 years ago or will it run hot now in my system, and how long do you think guys will be the lifespan of this lcs now that its been used for 3 yrs. by the way the LCS looks still pretty cool it even looks as if it was just a year old. and its still running very well.
i mainly use my system for video editing and haevy gaming when my son is around, but mostly video editing and rendering sometimes 3-5 days 24 hrs.
and by the way will this cooler fit in my deepcool kendomen rd case?
my system is a i7 4790
msi z97 gaming 3
8gb ram
gtx 970
seasonic m2 evo 620w.
If you're not overclocking I would say there's no reason to move to water. You probably wouldn't have any issue with the AIO but anything in the AIO failing ends up with possibly very bad problems for your machine. If a fan breaks on an air cooler, you get a new fan without the potential of ruining other components.
It might be a bit louder, but it will def be cooler (as in less heat) for your cpu. If there is no damage on the cables then there is nothing to worry about, but before using it you should remove the fans and clean out the dust (it tends to build up a lot of dust inbetween the radiator and the fans)

thank you for that very good input! very well noted sir. can i change the fans so it wont be very loud?

Probably, on my x61 there's a software called cam. I believe that the h100i has a software aswell, but if it doesn't you can just control them with a custom fan curve in bios

Checked on Corsairs website, there's a software called link which lets you control fan speed, lights etc.
Do be aware that pumps do have lifespans. I would ask your friend how often he uses his computer every single day, and determine how long the pump has been running. I would also look into getting whatever warranty is left transferred over to you.

That being said, do you have a 4790k, or a 4790? Because if it is not a k series chip, I would recommend simply keeping it on air as any overclocking will end up being difficult.
genthug sir sorry i voted down your answer wrong click there my bad.
By the way to answer your question sir , i use a i7 4790. So you think i should just stay with aircoolers?...
If you're not overclocking I would say there's no reason to move to water. You probably wouldn't have any issue with the AIO but anything in the AIO failing ends up with possibly very bad problems for your machine. If a fan breaks on an air cooler, you get a new fan without the potential of ruining other components.