30% off all EVGA video cards at Circuit City 6/15

Still not seeing any half decent deal there... :sarcastic:
Some seem pretty good.

9800GX2 $569 - 30%($170.70) = $398 - $20 MIR = $378

That is a pretty good price if you ask me. Granted we have to see what happens once the new cards come out.

Or... we could just wait for the new cards to come out, be faster than the existing cards, and have prices drop across the board at our normal favorite retailers... at least until supply dries up.

Problem with Retail stores is their video cards are ALWAYS way over priced compared to online.

For instance, that link shows an 8800GTS for $319 AFTER $80 rebate.

I just got my 8800GTS for $219 BEFORE $50MIR.

Doesn't the $569 price already include the 30% off?
Yes. its a rip off.

thats how they get you your like wow it was 759$ and now its 569$ i must buy it. lol it woulda fooled me to if i didnt check othor sites :)

The add in the news paper said the prices start on 6/15 so I would imagine unless it is a carry over thing, the prices shown do not reflect the 30% off.