300-400$ PC: primary use - gaming


Apr 19, 2014
Good PC for a low budget.
Approximate Purchase Date: uncertain.

Budget Range: 300-400$ w/o rebates

System Usage from Most to Least Important: gaming, surfing the internet, watching movies

Are you buying a monitor: No

Do you need to buy OS: No

Preferred Website(s) for Parts: no preferred

Location: Hickory, NC, USA

Overclocking: Maybe, if needed

SLI or Crossfire: Maybe, in the future.

Your Monitor Resolution: 1366 x 728

I want to keep in at the lowest price. (320 GB is enough for me)
4gb has been seen playing Battlefield 3 at Ultra preset with 4xmsaa no problem. Barely used 3gb of ram.

Note: Anything above 8gb of ram is an overkill for gaming of any kind at the moment. Above 8gb an you are probably rendering videos an using other professional software.

When buying 2133 or any high-speed ram check an make sure you aren't loosing latency in exchange for higher clock speeds. Usually the higher speed ram has higher latency. So you are paying more for essentially no benefit to the naked eye.