Approximate Purchase Date: In the next week or so 6/18 - 6/24
Budget Range: $300-700
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Streaming, Youtube/Video Editing, Gaming
Are you buying a monitor: Yes, but getting a cheap one for Twitch Chat on the side and not part of the budget
Parts to Upgrade: Ram (8gb),CPU possibly (i5-4690 @ 3.50GHz) I feel like streaming Overwatch and running OBS is being bottle necked. Need a 2nd hard drive/SSD
Do you need to buy OS: No
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: Prefer Newegg but open to other reliable sites
Location: San Francisco, California, United States
Parts Preferences: No preference
Overclocking: Maybe
SLI or Crossfire: Maybe, I think my current GPU is handling games just fine and don't think I need two (AMD Radeon R9 200 series)
Additional Comments: Currently using OBS for streaming and Sony Vegas for Video Editing. My current upload speed through Comcast is roughly 12mb. Windows 8- 64 bit,
And Most Importantly, Why Are You Upgrading: I feel my system getting bogged-down when I stream games like overwatch. Also my memory usage gets randomly sky high for basic programs like firefox with 1-2 windows open and its taking 70+% of memory. Also I know I need a new/second hard drive/SSD. Currently have a 250gb SSD which I have EVERYTHING saved on which could also be causing these slow-downs?
Long story short, - experiencing slow downs when I stream overwatch and have a couple other programs open (will upgrading my CPU help this?), likely need to add more RAM and another Hard drive.
Any help or feedback would be appreciated! Thanks!
Budget Range: $300-700
System Usage from Most to Least Important: Streaming, Youtube/Video Editing, Gaming
Are you buying a monitor: Yes, but getting a cheap one for Twitch Chat on the side and not part of the budget
Parts to Upgrade: Ram (8gb),CPU possibly (i5-4690 @ 3.50GHz) I feel like streaming Overwatch and running OBS is being bottle necked. Need a 2nd hard drive/SSD
Do you need to buy OS: No
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: Prefer Newegg but open to other reliable sites
Location: San Francisco, California, United States
Parts Preferences: No preference
Overclocking: Maybe
SLI or Crossfire: Maybe, I think my current GPU is handling games just fine and don't think I need two (AMD Radeon R9 200 series)
Additional Comments: Currently using OBS for streaming and Sony Vegas for Video Editing. My current upload speed through Comcast is roughly 12mb. Windows 8- 64 bit,
And Most Importantly, Why Are You Upgrading: I feel my system getting bogged-down when I stream games like overwatch. Also my memory usage gets randomly sky high for basic programs like firefox with 1-2 windows open and its taking 70+% of memory. Also I know I need a new/second hard drive/SSD. Currently have a 250gb SSD which I have EVERYTHING saved on which could also be causing these slow-downs?
Long story short, - experiencing slow downs when I stream overwatch and have a couple other programs open (will upgrading my CPU help this?), likely need to add more RAM and another Hard drive.
Any help or feedback would be appreciated! Thanks!