Ok well my little brother needs a computer because his old one just broke but and it doesnt need to be for gaming but I would like it to be able to be upgraded to maybe a HD 6770 or 550ti eventually.
Approximate Purchase Date: this month
Budget Range: 0-300 But I want it kept as cheap as possible
System Usage from Most to Least Important: browsing the internet, playing non demanding games like minecraft and Call of Duty 4
Parts Not Required: keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers, OS, and Hard Drive
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: Newegg
Country of Origin: USA
Parts Preferences: Something that will last not some cheap brand that will break after a month
Overclocking: no
SLI or Crossfire: no
Monitor Resolution: Dont need a monitor he has a 720p tv he uses
Additional Comments: I want it to be able to be upgraded in the future to like a HD 6770 ir 550ti so a descent PSU
Approximate Purchase Date: this month
Budget Range: 0-300 But I want it kept as cheap as possible
System Usage from Most to Least Important: browsing the internet, playing non demanding games like minecraft and Call of Duty 4
Parts Not Required: keyboard, mouse, monitor, speakers, OS, and Hard Drive
Preferred Website(s) for Parts: Newegg
Country of Origin: USA
Parts Preferences: Something that will last not some cheap brand that will break after a month
Overclocking: no
SLI or Crossfire: no
Monitor Resolution: Dont need a monitor he has a 720p tv he uses
Additional Comments: I want it to be able to be upgraded in the future to like a HD 6770 ir 550ti so a descent PSU