[SOLVED] 3080 RTX blinking red led over one of the PSU cable entrances

Oct 29, 2021
Hello guys i bought a premade PC with:

RTX 3080 Asus Rog strix
i9 - 10900F
Asus Prime z490-p
850W PSU (no idea how to check specifications on it)

The graphic card has 3 entrances for the PSU 2x8 and 1x6, with a led on top of each, the led above the 6 pin one goes blinking red and wont stop until i completely cut power from the PC, even when i turn it off normally it jsut keeps blinking red. Theu used 2 cabels one with a daisy chain for the 6 pin one, I have read this is bad but when i called them they say daisy chain on these type of graphic cards is perfectly ok.

I must say the computer has been running amazing for 2 months now without any problem as far as i can see, howeve rit does bother me that somehow that red blinking light sooner or rather triggers itself even after completely cutting the power from the computer (which i was recommended not to do very often)

SO i seek advice about what to do?

1/ Computer works fine as far as I know just keep it like this and ignore the blinking led until I have to bring it to the shop for any other reason
2/ Bring it to the shop and ask them to put 3 dedicated cables form the CPU if possible with that CPU or just change the CPU and this will hopefully fix the blinking light but risk something going wrong during the transport or the technician doing the job (Have had a abd streak of PC stuff lately before this one)

Also i cant really open the PC or do anything myself without voiding the warranty so need to be one of those 2 options.

Thank you very much.
I see any idea about if these graphic card can handle daisy chain ok? like the 8+6pin commign from the same cable or should it be a dedicated 3 cables one for each pin?
It’s highly recommended to use a separate cable for each. That said my 3080 uses 2x8 pins and the psu only came with 2 cables. When testing out a sound card I needed to use 1 cable to power the sound card so used both 8 pins on a single cable for the 3080. I used it like this for a couple of weeks with no problem.
I see any idea about if these graphic card can handle daisy chain ok? like the 8+6pin commign from the same cable or should it be a dedicated 3 cables one for each pin?
I see any idea about if these graphic card can handle daisy chain ok? like the 8+6pin commign from the same cable or should it be a dedicated 3 cables one for each pin?
It’s highly recommended to use a separate cable for each. That said my 3080 uses 2x8 pins and the psu only came with 2 cables. When testing out a sound card I needed to use 1 cable to power the sound card so used both 8 pins on a single cable for the 3080. I used it like this for a couple of weeks with no problem.
Yeah even with the red led flashing i havent felt any problem at all so whats why I am wondering if i should bring it to the shop or can safely ignore it.
a 850 PCU should be good enough for that mix of GPU-motherboard-CPU right? dont need to try to go for a 1k one or anything crazy like that?
A top quality 850w is plenty, however there can be a huge difference between a low and a high quality psu, wattage alone is meaningless. Also the very sharp power spikes these gpu’s have can even cause problems for some high quality PSU’s, it’s how fast they spike and not how high.