Question 3080 Underperforming

Jun 15, 2023
Hi there,

I've noticed my 3080 doesn't perform as well as some others' do, I ran a userbenchmark test and it came back as being pretty much furthest left of the bell curve.

I should say nothing is overclocked, I do have a sneaky suspicion that my power supply is not strong enough (it is 600w, "be quiet! BN298 Pure Power 11 600W CM") as I have been blue screening and seeing infrequent crashes after getting the new GPU, however pcpartpicker recommended 500w.

Most parts are 4 years old, besides the CPU and GPU.

I'll provide any other information needed, I just don't know where to start troubleshooting.

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Free up some space on that SSD, usualy you want at least 10% of the total size as free space. 500GB -> 50GB of free space (as minimum)

Also make sure your are using a SATA 3 cable on the 1TB HDD.

And yes, I would not be at ease knowing I only have a 600 watts PSU to handle an RTX 3080, no matter the brand.
what the brand and model of the psu?
old motherboard bios
ssd getting low on space
Thanks for the fast reply, my PSU is the "be quiet! BN298 Pure Power 11 600W CM".

I've just checked and my bios is version 2.10 whilst the latest version available is 5.7.., I'll update it and give that a try.

As for the lack of space on the SSD, I wasn't aware that could affect FPS, I'll try and free up some space on it.
Free up some space on that SSD, usualy you want at least 10% of the total size as free space. 500GB -> 50GB of free space (as minimum)

Also make sure your are using a SATA 3 cable on the 1TB HDD.

And yes, I would not be at ease knowing I only have a 600 watts PSU to handle an RTX 3080, no matter the brand.
Aha yeah the PSU won't stay much longer, I'll upgrade to 750w shortly. Do you know how I'd check what version SATA cable I'm running?