32" 1440p or 27" 1440p


Mar 28, 2017
Trying to decide between a 27" 1440p monitor, and a 32" 1440p monitor. The 27" is $100 more expensive than the 32".
yes 27 or 28 is perfect for gaming in my opinion

personallyi wouldnt get any bigger

my friend uses a 32 inch tv for a monitor

and i either have to turn my head or consciously move my eyes to the sides to see the whole screen in one go
Personally I would never go higher than 27" for PC gaming. It just gets too big with regular desks.
27" 1440p is just the perfect sweet spot.
What are the 2 monitors you are comparing?

I plan to use my monitor for gaming, and also some casual editing


Do you think the bigger screen would ruin the 'crisp' of the display? Also, do you think the 27" is the perfect size?

i went and actually looked at monitors so i could see them working before buying this

to me 27 is the perfect size for 1440p

though every ones eyes are different

if you can go to a store where you can see them working its always best in my opinion


Yeah, I'll probably head to the store and take a good look before I make a descion. I feel as if a 32" would look like 1080p

The pixel density will be smaller on a larger monitor as the same amount of pixels will be spread on a larger screen.

Yeah, im going for a nice crisp look, so I'll probably go for the 27"


IPS looks better than TN?


WAY better. You don't realise the difference until you lay your eyes on an IPS panel 😉

Ahh okay. Both these monitors are IPS, so I guess it's a win win situation


that was lucky then

yeah the colours are just so much better

viewing angles as well

though since usually you sit straight in front of your monitor that doesnt matter so much

So are you happy with the way your monitor looks? I assume it looks pretty bloody amazing


yes really happy

and funnily enough something i didnt think of when i bought it

you can open 2 full web pages side by side and not need to scroll sidewards to see the full page

i find that so useful

That soounds good, it must be a pretty good screen size. You think it would be a solid size for gaming?


I totally agree with you. 27" is the perfect spot.