32" LCD TV as monitor - is it okay?


May 17, 2010
Hi all,
I have a XPS M1210...with 12" screen....but have been using the laptop as more of a desktop lately.
As such, I have now connected the laptop up to my 32" LCD TV and am using it as the monitor.
It seems a bit strange at first as I am sitting quite close to it (roughly 2 feet away)...but what I want to know is this okay? Is it going to have any adverse affect on my eyesight for instance?
The primary reason for using the larger screen is because I am doing a lot of work on Photoshop and the other screen is too small. Only problem now is the pixels seem too big! - What does anyone think is the best compromise?
It isn't going to damage your eyes, that stop happening since CRTs left the market.

A better compromise is getting a 24" screen at 1920x1200. The pixel count is the same as any TV but the pixels are much more fine so everything looks sharp close up.

Or you can go 30" monitor at 2560x1600 but that might be out of budget.
yea 32" is a bit much for a pc i have a 24" monitor, and what rofl is going by most pc monitors are better for a pc since you sit close and the pixels are better and smaller so you get a much clearer and sharper image, that is unless you have one of those led/lcd tvs that just look amazing.