$320 budget what vid card shoud i get


Jun 23, 2011
Currently have a 6850 GPU but my mother board supports both cf and sli what card should i go with considering down the road Ill get the second card for it. Currently the 6850 is performing poorly lots of blotches and overheats on me not sure why but just considering taking it back. Its under a 2 year protection plan so I want something better than the 6850. Note: the 6850 was crossfired but my kid has the other one now so i have been playing on a single card.


Jun 8, 2011
6950 is one of the best cards for the price end of story.
6970 is quite a bit more expensive for the prices and I'm sure no 6990s are within your budget. Also with $320 you can upgrade anything else you might need and/or you will have left over money. Its a win/win situation.


Jun 23, 2011
Ok so I see you guys as I am are big AMD ATI fans as I am. However I got a smokin hot deal on the zotac GTX 570 which from what I saw on this sit....http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/high_end_gpus.html
it smokes every card out there for the buck. I just played BF2BC and was averaging 87 fps on a single card which is believe it or not 3 fps more than 2 crossfired 6850s. AND I payed 299.99 at Microcenter. Freaking amazing card. I just may be an NVIDIA fan now. I would have to say hands down this is the most amazing card I have ever owned. Also and I know this sounds over kill and at this point probably wont do it but sli 2 of these suckers and I'm set for years I would assume. Rolli59 was seriously considering your suggestion at the 2gig 6950 and if you dont mind, am seriously glad I didnt buy one as I have been a LONG TIME faithful customer of ati and amd. I will however continue to buy their cpu's and mobos.