You're safe with 3200 memory freq. The 11600K memory controller is limited to 3200Mhz (anything above that will be irrelevant, and even useless in tasks other than rendering [for some seconds in advantage at most, because Intel's controllers aren't so sensitive than zen 2/3]). You can use 3200Mhz at lower latency, or choose a company that uses quality memories, such as b-die memories that provide greater potential for overclocking (since you have an unlocked processor). With them you can bring them to 3600 if you are lucky and if you want that. So I would rather go on 3200Mhz, even the 12th generation does not pass the 3200Mhz margin on the controller, so it would not be a bottleneck in the future
I don't know the prices in America because i live in another country from Europe and the prices differ, but you can look for memories at 3200Mhz, CL16 / 15 or with low timings, and also B-die memories, if you want the highest quality memories. Vengenace PRO SL is an example