So, I just built a new PC. I asked for the 16 GB 3200 MHz RAM, but the store didn't have that, so they gave me 32GB 2133MHz instead.
It's a Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4 32GB (2x16GB) RAM.
Will I notice a difference in gaming or in general because of this? It's bigger memory vs faster memory, so I'm not sure.
In the box it says it's "low profile memory for high performance overclocking", does that mean that I can make it run faster?
If you need the PC specs, ask and I'll comment them.
It's a Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4 32GB (2x16GB) RAM.
Will I notice a difference in gaming or in general because of this? It's bigger memory vs faster memory, so I'm not sure.
In the box it says it's "low profile memory for high performance overclocking", does that mean that I can make it run faster?
If you need the PC specs, ask and I'll comment them.