3350P vs 3570 vs 4570 - Upgrade Help


Dec 13, 2009
Hi Folks,

Long time follower, first time poster.

I am amongst the process of upgrading my PC and I believe my weakness is currently my CPU.

Current System:
Nvidia 470GTX ( Stock )
Phenom 965XE ( Stock )
8GB DDR3 Ram
1TB Harddrive

My brother and I custom built this PC back atleast two years ago, at the time it was more than powerful for any games I played.

Now tho I am noticing that alot of games I am currently playing are starting to really struggle to maintain an FPS over 30 during the action. ( Firefall, Rift, Planetside 2 , Guild Wars 2 and Battlefield 3 )

My brother since has upgraded his CPU ( + mobo ) and GPU to an i5 3570k and ATI 7950. We decided to test his new CPU with my graphics card and the improvement in all the games was immense. From a stuttery 25-40 fps I was achieving high 50-60's and it felt extremely smooth.

The conclusion I have gathered from this is that I need to upgrade my CPU.

This leads me to the next question, which one! I have narrowed down onto a i5 as they seem to be the best value for performance.

I can currently purchase an i5 3350p and motherboard for £170 inc delivery.

The other option appears to be the i5 4570 and motherboard that will cost £220 inc delivery.

(I am currently on a tight budget so I have selected cheap MSI mobo's.)

I need to know if it is worth the additional investment for the i5 4570,
Currently only the i5 3550p is affordable.

All and any help is appreciated! :)
I'd save up and get the 4570, as it is a better performer. Whether it is wrth the extra money is up to you to decide. The 3570 isn't bad, but the 4570 is better, and it is newer. It is almost as good as the 4670k, the best i5 out there.
I'd save up and get the 4570, as it is a better performer. Whether it is wrth the extra money is up to you to decide. The 3570 isn't bad, but the 4570 is better, and it is newer. It is almost as good as the 4670k, the best i5 out there.