[SOLVED] 3440x1440 120hz+ Gaming Monitor

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Nov 25, 2016
I'm trying very hard to not spend a lot on a monitor. I'm building a new PC and one of the items on which I'm stuck is the monitor. I've found a couple that would do the job, but they're all ~1k right now. I'm looking more around the $500 range, give or take a bit.

The monitor will be coexisting with a single GTX 1080 and (most likely) an Intel i7 8700K.

The PC will be used primarily for gaming and media consumption, but also light to moderate music and video editing. With this monitor purchase, I'm seeking to strike a balance between gaming effectiveness and picture quality. I can always get a monitor specifically built for speed, at the cost of display quality, later.

Here's what I'm currently trying to find in a monitor:
- 3440x1440
- 120hz (or higher (prefer 144+, but you know...))
- G-Sync (pretty sure this one won't happen under ~$900, currently)
- 31.5"+
- Curved (doesn't have to be UW)
- Best balance between response time and picture quality around my range (VGA? IPS?)
- The most forward-looking inputs and outputs available (within reason)

Based on what I've currently seen so far, it's likely I'll have to either sacrifice resolution, refresh rate, or display size - or a combination of any two of those.
I'm asking here in hopes that I've missed something, not noticed some sale, or some such.

May the gods of 1's and 0's bless me with a windfall!
Uhh, you can find a monitor with what you asked:

PCPartPicker part list: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/Z3yMYr
Price breakdown by merchant: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/Z3yMYr/by_merchant/

Monitor: AOC - AG352UCG 35.0" 3440x1440 100Hz Monitor ($799.99 @ Best Buy)
Total: $799.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-03-15 23:33 EDT-0400

100Hz, G Sync, 3440 x 1440, but not IPS. Sub $900.
are you sure you are even going to be able to achieve high enough FPS to take advantage of 120-144hz? especially in the near future as games become more difficult to run, you will need to sacrifice quality settings to achieve these frame rates in order to get a smooth enough experience with vsync hopefully not halving your refresh rate if you can't maintain the refresh rate of the monitor or higher.

If you want ultrawide and curved along with 144hz you have to go 1080p. no gsync but you'll have to make due

If you want higher refresh rates with Gsync at 1440p you have to go 16:9 aspect ratio and TN panel. But this is the best bang for buck to be honest.
This is the newer S2716DGR and is just under $500

You can check out the older model which is the same but without the R at the end for $400
A gtx 1080 *will* do very well on a standard ratio 1440p/144hz/gsync for under $500:

You wont max out every game but will most, and the ones that don’t will still stay super smooth between your cpu and the gsync.

EDIT: Simply1337 found the steal - directly from Dell is the winner unless tax n shipping get ya. The DG isn’t older, the R at the end just means “retail”. Same same.
Uhh, you can find a monitor with what you asked:

PCPartPicker part list: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/Z3yMYr
Price breakdown by merchant: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/Z3yMYr/by_merchant/

Monitor: AOC - AG352UCG 35.0" 3440x1440 100Hz Monitor ($799.99 @ Best Buy)
Total: $799.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2018-03-15 23:33 EDT-0400

100Hz, G Sync, 3440 x 1440, but not IPS. Sub $900.

You clearly didn't see that the OP was looking for something around $500 give or take a little meaning around $50 above or below not $800. If you are just responding to their comment about not being able to find a G-Sync monitor with all those features they want for less than $900 then you are good on your comment. Otherwise you've missed the mark in regards to helping the OP find what they want for the budget they have specified.

Affirmative, I was responding to your comment.

Apologies, I missed the comment on the $500 mark.
Thanks for the help thinking through things guys. I think, for the time being, I'm just going to go with a solid FPS-focused monitor, since I cannot make-up my mind about any other one within the price range within which I would like to stay.
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