3570k OC 4.7Ghz Stable, Voltage Too High Maybe :-\ Opinions???


Aug 26, 2012
Hi everybody,

As the title suggests, I'd like a few opinions on the voltage for my 3570k. I've upped it bit by bit until it passed at least 8 hours on Prime and it's now stable with peaks at 1.288v and temps of 77/78c with a Hyper 212 Evo sometimes peaking at 80/81c for a second, (Ambient temp 25c).

What do you guys think, is this a bit too much for an i5 Ivy???

Would appreciate a few opinions.
Cheers guys

Thanks for your reply.
I'm using RealTemp and HWMonitor for the temps.

Wow, 1.3v for 4.5 O_O Maybe I got a good chip after all, I thought mine was high. Is nearly 1.3v safe for Ivy's though??? Coz I've read that 1.2v should be maximum, then I read a different thread and people say even 1.4v is ok! It's very confusing lol.
Have you made sure to check event viewer for any Event Id 19 WHEA errors, i thought i was stable at first but saw event id 19 errors in event viewer even after 12 hours of prime running stable.

I raised the voltage up a fraction since I last check event viewer so I'll have to run Prime or IBT again tonight, then check for events.
Saying that though, as I'm fairly new to OC'ing, what is the number of "Events" I'm aiming for. Is it, the fewer the better??? Or is it..... Zero, Nil! Even 1 is really bad???

Thanks again guys, I do appreciate it.
Right ok got ya. I remember getting one saying Kernal Power something something, can't remember exactly. I'll run it again and check.

Maybe I ask your opinion, do you think, let's say 1.3v is a bit too much??? Coz I haven't really spoke to anyone that has gone past 1.2v and 4.4Ghz.
:ouch: Update, I've dropped it to 4.6Ghz and dropped the voltage a fair bit. All seemed well when running Prime but soon as I tried IBT, the temps went through the roof! Within seconds Core 1 & 2 hit 82/83c, but Core 3 hit 92c and Core 4 90c!
Now I know gaming or any other normal software isn't going to push the CPU as hard as Prime or IBT but still, those temps worried me 🙁

I've tried dropping the voltages a little at 4.7 but then I lose stability. So maybe 4.6 is the best I can go on air.
Although the Coolermaster 212 is a excellent cooler, its not good enough for 4.7+ even 4.6 would be a push for a 212 cooler.

If you want to start pushing over 4.4 more comfortably your probably looking at a Noctura dh14

Yeah I think your right. But I was toying with the idea of custom water cooling later in the year, I think that might be the best way to go. Or even if it's just one of those XSPC kits, I've read that even those £200 kits can drop temps by 10c or more over a half decent cooler.