3570k Overclock Improvement tips/advice needed


Dec 4, 2012
Hi guys, I've had a pretty stable overclock on my i5 3570k on 4.2Ghz for a while now and after upgrading my PSU and getting some extra case fans, I want to push it up a notch.
Ive have the hyper 212 evo and with my 4.2ghz OC, i basically only touched the multiplier and voltage offset (-0.005). I left everything else on default and only disabled internal pll overvoltage. My idle temps was around 30-40 degrees and max temps during P95 was never over 70. Now with the new upgrades, imo the airflow is alot better and the temps dropped a couple degrees.

new upgrades... 2 exhausts from the back and top, two intakes at the front and the new additional intake in the case next to the GPU.

So now im hoping to push the OC a little further up to either 4.3 or 4.4 if possible. Ive changed the multiplier to 43 and gave the voltage a positive offset of 0.010. This time I also changed the load line calibration to high (50%). with this im getting a max temp of 75 degrees so far.

This is my 4.3 Ghz OC trial so far. Is 75 degrees safe, and is the voltage alright?
Any advice or tip to improve this "upgrade"?
thanks you for all the help
(sorry im not really sure about how to do this image formatting)
Based on the pic only one fan. Id be curious to test not just 2 fan, but with and without that 120 on the rear panel. The alignment being off from the cooler, may perform better without since there are top fans

My ambient is around 25 degrees, for TIM I used the cooler master paste that came with the 212 evo and used the pea method. Ive never tried a push pull setup but if i were to try it, do I need to get another fan thats the same as the one on the 212 evo?

I'm sorry i might have been unclear but theres one top fan and one rear fan. Would it be possible to use one of the 120mm intakes from the front and put that on the 212 evo to set up a push pull? the case fan is from nzxt and has a 3 pin plug.

i wouldn't cannibalize the intake. if anything for now use the rear exhaust fan. and get better TIM - coolermaster paste is pretty basic. Check out the Thermal Paste roundup 2012 sticky for results of testing and pick from there. My personal preference is Tuniq TX-4
Thanks Buzz247 and Intel God for both your responses. I spent a couple hours today changing the case fan locations and I think I've found the sweet spots. I took your advice for a push pull config and turns out the 212 EVO comes with quick snap brackets which easily allows you to mount 120mm case fans to the heatsink. Right now I've got much better temps as you can see in the picture below. LLC on Auto, + offset of 0.020, and some tweaks on the fan curves through AI Suite and now I've got max temp of 70 degrees 😀. Thank you all again!
Glad to hear!! People often forget to look at the simple solution possibilities. We get so wrapped up in the technical it just doesn't seem plausible that a simple fix is what we need :)
Be sure to keep simple physics in account too. Cold air will be at the bottom and hot air will rise, keep your exhausts at the top of the case and your intakes lower. My Antec 1100 came with 2 fans, a 120 intake on the rear and a 200 exhaust on top, I moved the fan in the rear to the font to act as an intake and did see temps go down on both my CPU and GPU. It was not the difference between 50 and 45 degrees, it was one or two degrees difference but with only two fans the airflow is still limited by the amount of fans.