3570K safe temperatures?


Sep 2, 2012
I am overclocking my 3570K with my Hyper 212 EVO and I have been testing temperatures. I ran Prime95 Blend for 12 hours and got a max temperature of 74 degrees, this is at 4.2GHz and 1.2v. However when I run Intel Burn Test my maximum temperature is 80 degrees. Am I safe to continue overclocking or have I hit the temperature wall?


Thanks for the reply but are you sure? The TJmax for the 3570K is 105 degrees, at that point it will start to thermal throttle. Bearing in mind that gaming temps are around 60 degrees and nowhere near Prime95 or Intel Burn Test temps.

Okay thanks, from what I've heard Ivy bridge runs quite a bit hotter than Sandy Bridge but I'll take that into account.