3570k worth the upgrade?


Oct 30, 2011
I was planning on upgrading my CPU next spring, once Intel's Haswell architecture comes out, but I noticed that the local MicroCenter is offering a 3570k for $190 USD, which seems like a great deal to me. My current CPU is in the signature below.

However I'm a bit worried about the overheating problems. When I hear a CPU hits 80 degrees celcius, i freak out. That to me would be a failed overclock. Is one of these bad boys MEANT to run at such high temps? I would probably be using the CPU for about 2 years. I currently have a CoolerMaster Hyper 212 EVO that's worked decently with my current CPU.

I don't need the absolute maximum overclock. I was hoping to hit about 4.1 or 4.2 ghz on the 3570k. Would I still be having heat problems?

I don't know if it's worth the money since the sandy bridge CPUs are a bit cheaper now too, perform almost as well and don't heat up as bad. Although that 3570k is the cheapest high end intel CPU i've seen in a while.

The i5-3570k is a decent upgrade and a typical max overclock would be about 4.5GHz so trying to hit 4.2GHz shouldn't be too hard. However, if you are interested in getting better gaming performance, then it's better to upgrade your graphic card than the CPU.

I too am waiting for Haswell to come out before upgrading my venerable Q9450 system.


Aug 4, 2011
TBH i just got the 3570k and i went from a intel pentium and the jump for me was significant, but compared to my mates who has the amd 1090t 3.8ghz theres not too much difference which warrants an upgrade of hundreds of dollars/pounds.

All just my opinion but i do think its a great cpu runs quite hot though.



Ivy Bridge CPUs are specified with a maximum operating temperature of 105C, 80C is unlikely to have significant long-term effects at least at stock voltage. With a Hyper 212 + or EVO, the CPU will likely end up closer to 70C or less most of the time.


Oct 30, 2011

yes, i do realize this. i would probably get this motherboard, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813130643.

i realize that a GPU would be a better upgrade for gaming and I have looked into getting a new one (most likely a GTX 670) but since a few of the games i play the most (minecraft, skyrim, etc) are very CPU-dependent i thought this deal would maybe be worth it. and if they are specified to run up to 105 i guess that running at 80 is ok, to make a comparison does anyone know the max operating temperature of a chip like the 2600k? or my own CPU? It usually runs between 45-53 degrees C now during the warmer weather when gaming.


Oct 30, 2011

that's the thing. i know in general gaming the CPU doesn't matter much but several games and some of the ones i play the most do perform better with a good CPU rather than GPU. and from my crappy AMD system it would be an overall upgrade, but since i'm still on a budget not sure how my money would be best spent.