Question 3770k Overclock issue


Feb 10, 2013
mobo gigabyte z77m-d3h
gtx 670 windforce
corsair TX 650

so I tried oc the cpu and it can't go past 4.2ghz
any more than that and system gets stuck at bios menu and I need to reset bios to get it working again
the mobo doesn't have an option for vcore voltage-its auto
in cpu z I saw it rising up to 1.2v
its a mobos problem its a psu problem!does somebody have an idea? thnx
It's a motherboard problem. The motherboard is lower end and has no core voltage settings. I don't know if it has a multiplier setting though, but I'm assuming there is, since you said that you could still overclock your CPU. 1.2 is a very normal CPU voltage though.
It's a motherboard problem. The motherboard is lower end and has no core voltage settings. I don't know if it has a multiplier setting though, but I'm assuming there is, since you said that you could still overclock your CPU. 1.2 is a very normal CPU voltage though.
there is a multiplier, the thing is if I set anything more than 4.2 system crashes
hello i oc my 3770k to 4.2ghz!anything more than that leads to crash and i have to reset bios!but my motherboard does not support core voltage options(z77m-d3h)
is there any way to oc it without changing the voltage?any settings that will auto increase the voltage?thnx