380X vs 280X

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Joshua Cutillo

May 26, 2015
so I'm looking at either getting the 380X or the 290X, I'm just not sure which i should get. i do have a possible budget of about 1500, but id like to spend as little as possible. its a computer for college, and id like to be able to do a bit of game, at max settings on a 1080p 60hz monitor. My main question is if the 200 dollar price increase is worth it for a marginal performance increase. I know the 380X is just a revamped 280X, but it does trade blows with the 980, but I'm not sure if the 280X does the same.
UPDATE- i mean 290X vs 390X
As someone who has the Gigabyte Game 5, let me share it is an AMAZING MB!

Also, the comment above in regards to the G1 not being that great of a card...I disagree! The Gigabyte G1 is a top contender for the GTX 970 and I recommend it all the way! Been using Gigabyte cards since 2007 and never had an issue. The Gigabyte GTX 970 G1 is going for about $320 after rebate.
The 380X is just a re-brand of the 280X with more VRAM and slightly higher clock speeds. The 280X is just a re-brand of the HD 7970. So overall, you really aren't getting anything new with the newer cards besides the new price.

At 1080p the extra VRAM in the 380X is not needed and you will see little performance increase, but a large price increase. Based on your system and requirements, I would get the 280X if the choice is between those cards.

EDIT: Sorry, just saw your edit with the update to 290X vs 390X...my post above remains the same, the 390X is just a re-branded 290X, which is a re-brand of the HD 7990 cards.

Well the 290x vs the 390x only has about a 10 fps difference and the 390x is a power and temp hog. My recommendation is to go for the 290x because it is a great price to performance card especially after the price drop!
Depending on where you live the 290x's price may vary but compare the 2 cards price in your area and purchase the 290x if the price difference is substantial. Also if you need the 8GB VRAM on the 390x you can simply get a 8gb version of the 290x for not much more money ^^

well, what would be the best out of any card?i keep going back and forth between build ideas. I've got a 1500 budget (possibly a little more but less would be better) I'm going to be doing a fair amount of animations, video editing, emulating, coding, ECT for college, and id also like something to max out games. i was thinking about going all out with a FURY X or a 980 TI so i can upgrade the monitor at some point without needing to upgrade the GPU as well.

The OP stated he/she wants to game at 1080p, at that level 2GB is even fine for VRAM but 4GB is always the standard now. Why would they need 8GB VRAM on 1080p? That is just wasted money...

"if you need "
Just in case someone googles the same question as the OP and is using a higher resolution monitor or the OP sometimes may do heavy rendering or some programs that use the VRAM of the graphics card. Just saying "If you need"

The 290x is not a rebranded 7990. The 7990 is a dual gpu card using 2 7970s.

You are correct, very correct, that was my mistake/typo. To summarize, the R9 2xx series is re-brand of the HD 79xx series, and the R9 3xx series is a re-brand of the R9 2xx series.

Not all of the 2xx series are rebrands the 285(tonga), 290 and 290x were new gpus but have been rebranded for the 3xx series.

well, whats better? the 380X, the 390X, the 280X or the 290X?

Right now I would get the R9 290X if you are looking between those cards. The 390X is a nice card, but just a re-brand of the 290X with slightly higher clock speeds and more VRAM. If you are gaming at 1080, the 290X will handle any game without a problem for the next several years.

completely forgot about the 970. thanks. changed the build around a bit now. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/xHy823. so ill go with that 970
EXCELLENT CHOICE! I swear by the GTX 970 as the BEST card on the market right now. Cost-To-Performance, nothing beats it!

Also, SLI 970's are better than a GTX 980 Ti in benchmarks. Get the GTX 970 now, and add a second one later for SLI when the price drops. Play all the top games at 1080p, or even 4K, for the next 3+ years!

I suggest making a couple other changes. The G1 isn't very good and there are better for less. 550w is plenty for that system with a single 970, if you want 2 in SLI then you'd want 750w. You can get better ram for about the same price.
Gskil has better timings

made the changes. thanks a ton, any other changes i should make? would like to drop the price more if possible, or increase performance for the same price. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/Yx3WvK

You could save a few bucks by getting a Gigabyte gaming 5 board.
As someone who has the Gigabyte Game 5, let me share it is an AMAZING MB!

Also, the comment above in regards to the G1 not being that great of a card...I disagree! The Gigabyte G1 is a top contender for the GTX 970 and I recommend it all the way! Been using Gigabyte cards since 2007 and never had an issue. The Gigabyte GTX 970 G1 is going for about $320 after rebate.

I was referring to the EVGA G1 power supply not the Gigabyte G1 video card.

added the GB5 MOBO. want to get costs down as much as possible with out the performance going to hell. i have a second small monitor already, is it possible to set it up as a secondary screen? I'm not sure if you need the same exact monitors or not or if its done via software or by the actual hardware.

whats the performance of the Gigabyte GTX 970?
thats the card i was planning on going with but if the Gigabyte version has a comparable clock speed for lower cost id rather go with the cheaper one
The performance is great! I can play BF4 on 1080p maxed out with 70+ FPS at all times, no issues. Those maps are quite large and very detailed. The Windforce Cooling is amazing, card never gets above 65c in my system even under max load for hours on end.

I have used Gigabyte MB and Graphics Cards since 2007, never had a single issue yet (knock on wood)
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