3870 to 6770?


Nov 10, 2011
Looking at going from a 3870 to a 6770. I use the DVI-to-HDMI occasionally to play shows on a TV in another room, but primarily just use one 1050 monitor. I only play Lord Of The Rings Online, and normally can play it well with my current set-up, although I have been in a few 12-man skirmishes (with the additional 12 skirmish soldiers, and I'm sure a LM/Capt pet or two) and my frame rate dropped from a usual 30-60 fps (~medium settings, 1050 resolution) with occasional stutter to a painful, and practically unplayable 6 fps. (fps readings from cntrl-f in-game). From everything I have read about the 6770 I will be using about the same amount of watts in-game (2D should be much lower), and be getting significantly better fps (3-4x?). Also, I had post processing enabled before, just turned that off and my fps today went from 60 to 80 fps in 21st hall. Here is my setup below...

RAIDMAX Smilodon ATX-612WBP (with 500W PSU)
Core 2 Duo E8400 (stock)
Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3L (Intel P35)
4 GB DDR2 Ram
Sapphire 3870 (stock)
ST3500320AS Barracuda 7200.11 500GB SATA HD
Windows XP

Basically my own variation of the set-up here...

So will the 6770 for about $100 get my game play to about 30fps minimum, or is there something else I should look at?
Heh, good ol sharky was a good site back in the day. Now it's just crap.

Anyway, yeah a 6770 would be a good upgrade for you. Really though with AMDs 7000 series right around the corner I'd probably wait unless you have to have something now. If your frame rates do not improve as much as you expect you may want to OC your CPU, but I don't think you will need to.
ilysaml, big difference between the 6670 and 6770. I think you did this in a different thread today as well. You might want to slow down when reading these posts and make sure you know what GPU your talking about.

I agree that the 6770 is a good upgrade. You might want to wait for the 7 series to drop if you can. Performance won't go up much compared to the 6 series, but the power used should drop a lot. Speaking of power, that PSU you have isn't very good. Might want to replace that soon as well.
Normally I would agree based on the history of this case's PS, but it has been going about 3 years strong now, so as long as the new GPU isn't a big increase in power usage, I'm not too worried. This is for a X-Mas gift (request) for myself, so I will be telling family to look at 6770,6790,6850,6870 in that order considering price. Who knows, with black friday around the corner maybe a store will have a 6850/6870 for less or the same as a 6770.