Question 3Com 10/100 PC Card Driver Woes

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Sep 22, 2022
Don't know if this is the right place but I'll try asking.
I've been trying to install a 3Com Megahertz 10/100 LAN PC Card.
The model is: 3CCFE575BT
Looked all over and can't find anything that's compatible with XP despite older cards having compatible drivers. At my wits end with it to be honest.
If anyone has any tips or pointers on what I might be able to do I'd be most grateful. Thanks
The card actually accepted the driver you sent to me, that is the first one to work. Thank you!
However... Windows says it is working correctly, the LED lights up for 100mbps on the connector, it all looks good, but under the local area connection it only sends, receiving nothing back.
I've rebooted several times now, taken the card out and put it back in. What I've found is that it seems very unstable. The card will start with Windows but it may or may not have the yellow (!) next to it in device manager, very temperamental. Also explorer seems to be lagging now when I click on start. The whole time though it always only sends and doesn't receive anything.
I know the laptop and slot are good as I've used other cards in that slot. I'm thinking it's either still not quite the right driver it's looking for, or a faulty card? I was assured that it was tested and pulled from a working machine before this though.
Don't know what else to do 😩
Update: the general instability of the card goes away whenever the dongle is unplugged from the card.
If booting with the dongle attached = yellow (!) in device manager
Booting with dongle unplugged = everything looks good
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