3D card benchmark. *DELETED*



In Unreal Tournament, go to Tools>TimeDemo Statistics

In Quake 3 Arena, pull down the console by pressing ~, type "timedemo 1", then go to the demo section and run some demo. When it's done playing, pull down the console again and look at the result. To play normally again, type in the console "timedemo 0".
Another shorter way is to pull down the console with ~ and type "timedemo demo001". Use whichever way suits you.
You can also display the frame rate all the time by typing in the console <b>after</b> starting a game "cg_drawfps 1".

A third benchmark could be the Evolva Rolling Demo. That's a good benchmark for Direct3D performance. Go to www.evolva.com and download the Evolva Rolling Demo from there. It's like a recorded demo of the game which has benchmarking abilities (shows fps).

Good luck, be sure to tell me what goes on with you. See ya!

Kurt Hectic
The Topic Poster