I know you can use 3d on a 120Hz monitor without those 3d glasses but i have no idea how that works. So what do i need? Is it just a setting in the drivers? Because i want to buy a 120Hz monitor soon. Also will my pc be able to run some basic games like Just Cause 2 in 3d on medium/high? I have searched for this but i cant find much about it. So if someone can explain how this works would be awesome. Also does it work with a HDMI connector or do i need dvi? And is this monitor good enough because i can get it pretty cheap; Samsung 2233rz, if not what is a good 120 hz monitor that in't to expensive?
AMD FX-8320
8 gb ram
msi gtx 760
AMD FX-8320
8 gb ram
msi gtx 760