3D mark TimeSpy scores? How do Crossfire 290x's hold up against newer cards.


Sep 12, 2012
Hi All,

Thinking about upgrading to Crossfire RX490's (if they're released with Vega) next year. Fell a bit out of the loop when it comes to benchmarking so i was just wondering what everyones 3D mark Timespy scores were with their systems?
Also looking for peoples thoughts on whether an upgrade is worth it based on my scores with my current build. PC specs are in my signature and my TimeSpy score was 6914 (7804 GPU / 4200 CPU).


Thanks for sharing!
The 480 in crossfire is nearly as fast as the 1080 and the 290 is a bit faster than the 480. My guess is the 290 in crossfire should beat a single 1080. Most 1080 scores I see is high 7000's so you could beat one with a bit of optimization.

Good to know, i removed the overclock from the master GPU (1160 core/1630 mem) when i went crossfire so if i Overclocked them again i should be able to beat a 1080? if thats the case its probably not worth the Vega upgrade unless they've made a huge improvement in performance.