3D Performance..but where is 2D???



Now a days everyone is only talking about 3D performance and people have forgotten the 2D aspect. I'm building my computer and i need a GOOD graphics card for 2D. I mainly use it for photoshop, illustrator...things of that nature, but i also play 3D games. With all of the different TYPES of videocards out there, do you guys/girls have any suggestions or recommendations? thanks

Thinking about a Geforce2 MX or a ATI Radeon VE. Are 2D and 3D performance linear, meaning, if the card have better 3D performance it will yield better 2D performance??


Jan 22, 2001
3d performance does not equate to 2d performance. Radeon has outstanding 2d performance next to the Matrox 400/450 and very good 3d performance. Now the Radeon VE 3d performance will not be as good as a regular Radeon so beware. The GF2 series of cards have been noted numerous times in having degraded 2d at 1280x1024 and above except for the Elsa brands of GF2 cards but excellent 3d performance.