[citation][nom]tipoo[/nom]I always look forward to the eyecandy they provide, but I find its a very irrelevant benchmark. Vantage is more CPU-dependant than the vast majority of PC games out there, for example, and not to mention that often a card that does very well in 3dMark does worse than its competitors in games.[/citation]
If you please, proof. From what I've seen and tested, if you rank the cards based on points, you get a good idea of where you'll be in relation so the others. Sometimes, AMD or Nvidia does better in a particular game, but, the cards still rank the same.
[citation][nom]Dirtman73[/nom]I'm always a generation behind when it comes to video cards, so 3DMark has usually been next-to-useless to me. That's alright, it's bloatware anyway.[/citation]
I really am curious as to how you consider this bloatware. Just because you can't afford to use something doesn't mean you have to insult people that made it, especially when it comes to a company that helps stimulate the progress of computer systems, by giving users the desire to make their rigs more powerful, thus showing developers and programmers that we DO want advancements. If you want to know more, look back at some of my posts talking about Windows 7 over XP, etc., and you might get an idea about how things work: People don't buy the new stuff, there's no reason to move on to the next stage.
Now, mind you, I'm not saying gamers are the be-all, and end-all of computer usage, but, if gamers aren't online playing these games, surfing the web, etc. Companies like Blizzard, Google, Steam, etc Have no reason to upgrade their servers as well. Things steam-roll. I don't mind if I get rated down for rambling a bit, but, these people that want to complain about things all the time...really..get a life.