3GB switch on Win7 Pro 64-bit machine?

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May 28, 2015
I remember back to the XP days when a 32-bit machine with 4GB of RAM could utilize 3GB for applications using the "/3GB" switch in the BOOT.INI file.

Can this be done on a Windows 7 64-bit machine?

I have an older desktop that can only hold up to 4GB of RAM (DDR2) so I need all the free RAM I can get as this computer runs SQL Server 2012 Express for a small office.
From what I can see in most systems that I've dealt with, about half of the used physical memory in a given system, regardless of how much memory the system has physically installed, seems to be allocated to the OS. I thought the 3GB switch was to release some of this memory (that I believe is cached by Windows) back to the system for application usage...?

So basically I see there is Cached Memory and AVaialble memory. Is the available memory what is available to the applications? Because then there is FREE memory, which is basically near zero. I never could fully understand the impact of these items (Cached i understand is cached by the OS for use for drivers and other system services). Available is what i thought was available to the OS for application usage??
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